It's 4:00 PM and Day Krue has slacked at slacking today


Today, got up, came to work

work work work
work work work

Just starting slowing down, about 40min before I leave.

Yea I was stuck training people today so once 11am rolled around I wasn’t on much at all…probably gonna be the case for the next 2 weeks or so

some people work during the day lol


Actual work that is

we have to get paid for doing something

:wave: i called off yesterday

Better amuse the hell out of the day crew today then slacker!

no… nothing good… i went to walmart and bought a new backpack :tup:

I will be in meetings all day, so I wont be here to slack today :frowning:

:frowning: I’ll pick up the slack for ya. I have a lot of free time :slight_smile:

pun intended? +karma

Bump for a good day of slacking. I’m proud of you all.

Today was much bettahhh

Nice job kids. I’m out.

Lots of challenging work today for once… Wonderful challenge of fitting 5#s of shit into a .5# enclosure…

It didn’t go so well… I got 4.8#s in… tomorrow I gotta figure out how to get the rest in… damn it…

sucks that I’m here until 9 tonight.


Stuck with the 'tweens / after school specials.


whatcho talking about tweens fo!

I’m on the shitter though :slight_smile:


Too late for day crew.

Too early for night crew.

I know… I coined the tweener term! I’m still pooping too

thats not what wikipedia says