I was being sarcastic. It seems like she is just wasting money trying to look like she is doing something. Congress is already a democracy, and Global Warming is more of a publicity ploy than an actual problem. If you look at the weather from the past 500 or so years you will see we are actually coming out of a mini “ice age” if you wanna call it that. The planet is just starting normalize out now, but people are freaking out about it. People say stuff like “well 30 years ago it was much colder than this”. But you can not call a 30 year span long enough to major throw off the ecological temperatures of the entire planet, especially since something like 70% of the planet’s surface is made up of water, it will take much more than 30 or so years for us to pollute the planet to that degree. Especially for those who believe in evolution, and that it took billions of years to form the earth…I don’t think that 30 years is enough to throw off the planet.