Its about time!

OK so many people who know me, found out that I totaled my 06 Cbr1000rr and broke my ankle in the process. So after a few months I am back. But I would like to applogise to Maxwell for back out of his 636. I just want to say that well things must happen for a reason cause I picked this up:

2006 ZX-10r with 3100 miles

List of mods:
Vortex Rear Sets
Ti Force Titanium Duals W/ Custom maped PClll
Puig Wind Screen
Front Galfer SS Brake lines
Upgraded Front and rear CBR1000r calipers with HH pads
Brand new rubber both front and back
and a Solo seat to match

and all for under 5k

That is a great bike for that price.

Wow, what a steal! I hope I can find as good a deal next year.

sick bike… but you totaled one, very brave to get back on so soon… i do enough dumb things in my car to persaude me away from getting a bike… nice bike! i will probly get one though lol.

yea brave i guess i mean i’ve been on motorized 2 wheels since i was knee high to a duck so this was that big of a deal i mean everyone just got to get back on and try, try again.

\and yes shrives everyone crashes

true, i know my one friend crashed like 8 times i dont know how he is alive to this day… he popped a wheelie and a car pulled out in front… it totaled his bike, but that wasnt even the first crash, then he just recently dropped it again… idk probly out of all my friend he is the one that keeps me away from bikes…

but then again i cant afford one until my car payment is gone… almost 2 years til then, unless i hit the lotto lol!

be safe bro, bikes are sick, but its other drivers that are the problem too!

i got my new bike 4 days after someone t-boned me too

nice clean pick up

look into an Ivan’s TRE, it’ll really wake it up. I take it it’s a rebuilt title bike?

Looks damn good, Kris :tup:

nope clean title bike the guy low sided it at 5 mph, he showed me pictures of the damage after, gave me all the damaged parts, i mean it was nothing he was just in a bind for money pretty bad and i steped up. drove 7 hours to west virgina to pick it up, the ride sucked but it was worth it. And would the TRE effect the custom tune, i mean would i have to get it retuned ya think ?

here is the link

nope clean title bike the guy low sided it at 5 mph, he showed me pictures of the damage after, gave me all the damaged parts, i mean it was nothing he was just in a bind for money pretty bad and i stepped up. drove 7 hours to West Virgina to pick it up, the ride sucked but it was worth it. And what is Ivan’s TRE?
here is the link

Timing Retard Eliminator, I believe you will lose your gear indicator, not sure if there is one on there and i believe your neutral light. At least that’s what happened to my buddies bike.

Is it on the road yet? Or do you need to wait till Monday?

Jesus thats a steal. Nice looking bike

I have it insured i just need to wait till monday, i just got home with it last night at midnight

yea, you’ll want to get retuned after your tre. it makes the bike think it’s in 5th gear so it won’t retard the timing when you’re in other gears. basically makes it much smoother and you get more up top of your gears. theres a few companies that make aftermarket gear indicators with tre built in. I just have the regular one with no gear indicator, it’s not hard to count gears and after a month or so of riding you’ll know what gear you’re in. also look into removing the secondary butterflies, helps the midrange power.

that exhaust is bad assss

Shrives was telling me about this when he came to get the muffler insulation. Nice to see you ended up snagging it. Seems like an amazing deal. :tup:

yea im glad i made the drive so far its an amazing bike so smooth and runs great !

Good deal… be careful, this is a bit faster than the last couple :-p…

HID’s are amazing btw.

PS. vortec is a chevy motor.

vortex is a rearset making company.