It's ALIVE!!!!!!!




are my eyes going to bleed if i drive behind it?


yes lol


Well, I’m now definitely sending a power supply to Jay, so I’ll just throw the knob in too. One less thing to have kicking around.

Now you need to get some photos or video of the car!


I’ll let you know if i’m gonna take it, pm me your paypal. I’ll have some vids this weekend.

cool :tup:

good to hear man :smiley:

Good to hear, pics of FD as I’ve never seen it before.

awesome zubes, i’ll have to check it out this weekend


awesome zubes, i’ll have to check it out this weekend


Stop by taffys sunday night, i’ll be there

Congrats man :headbang: I hope this one lasts, the rotary guys are taking a beating.
