It's Alive!!

Fast Forward to 3:30 for the goods.

saw that last week but never posted cause of all the non believers :slight_smile:

So what, just 5 more years?


it’s about time

What is it? It’s been so long I’ve forgotten.

looks sikkkkk

cliff notes?

cliffs: duke nukem is potentially almost here

thats about it

“Duke Nukem Forever” has been in development for almost 12 years and there finally seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel.


a few more screenshots have been released

they had video and screen shots like 8 years ago. just sayin.

i just saw on XB Live last night that the original Duke 3D is available for download and i have to get it…i bought it long ago for PC and it never worked…ugh, such a great game.