Who Remembers Duke Nukem? :)

I usually hate rock music since I can’t stand the sound of the electric guitar…
but this guy on youtube is awesome :slight_smile:
Check out the video where he plays the Duke Nukem theme song on an electric guitar… he added a few of his own twists, but whoever remembers the theme song will recognize this tune right away :slight_smile:

edit: here’s the original song in mp3 format (just for reference). It’s not the greatest quality, but this is straight from 3D Realms, so it’s as good as it can get :slight_smile: ftp://ftp.3drealms.com/misc/grabbag.zip

haha i remember being like 10 and going to the stripper part and hitting the spacebar for the

“wanna dance” then she pulls her shirt open and he gives her monay haha


“Shake it baby!”

I heard Duke Nukem Forever is coming out soon.:hsugh:

haha greatest piece of vaporware ever

lo…whats halarious is i just started playing that game again last night b4 i seen this post now, duke nukem 3d to me is one of the best games ever made

I loved Duke Nuken 3D, played online all the time after clearing the game multiple times.

+1 for Duke Nukem 3D!

I remember modding the crap out of the game…adding new guns/levels/music etc… :slight_smile:

Good times.

I got an old laptop so I can run DOS and play Duke Nukem. I wish I still had my old mod files. One turned the dance club music to Metallica’s enter sandman.

That dude is even cooler for playing Double Dragon and Contra songs, hehe.

I actualy pulled out my copy of Duke and played some not to long ago.

Duke was awesome… I even remember those old side scrollers from back in the day :slight_smile:

i still have the original cd of duke nukem 3d unscratched in anyway hehe