Legalizing drugs

I’m not talking about the reality that our government sucks and would just take the money. Im saying in theory if it was treated the same as alcohol or tobacco then we would save money.

and eclipsegirl, you think people smoke up and go do violent acts just for the hell of it? haha I dont know about you but most people i know that smoke never get violent. If your going to talk about violence and being related to drugs your leaving out a major cause of lots of crimes in this country. Alcohol is a way more violent, mind altering, habit forming “drug” then weed will ever be. So if your going to be against drugs be against them all not just the ones that are created illegal because our government thinks it should. Oh and another nice fact is that marijuana was only illegal for the last 60 some years… and the only reason the government made it a crime was because it was connected African Americans and the racial tension of this country in the '30s . it was banned in 1937 (i believe) because the government thought it caused all of the non white races to commit crimes.

sorry i just like to debate :smiley: hope no one takes any of this personally, i just like to debate about anything