legalize pot

what u say

you’re high

schvifty five


tax pot, make more revenue for the state, and stop coming up with stupid shit like mandatory new license plates for no reason other then to make money

Great now he gets stoned as well as drunk. Maybe it will calm him down a bit though?

people are gonna smoke regardless, if the gov wants to make money off it, its their problem or not


i dont even smoke, but i say legalize cuz its a bunch of bullshit and useless effort

if anything make alcohol illegal , but thats not gonna happen so i wouldnt worry

Honestly, why are cigarettes legal, but pot is not? I def agree, make it legal and tax it.

My opinion is 1.) You can get unhigh,you cant get undrunk. 2.) Look at the statistics of alcohol related deaths compared to pot related deaths, and 3.) TAX money lol it would help this country out alot, and it would drop alot of frivolous crime that costs the taxpayers even more, there wont be as many " pot dealers ". For example when do u ever hear about alot of crime in amsterdam,holland? not too often,point made :thumbup


agreed. Could only help the US get out of debt.

I vote to not “legalize” aka add government taxing to something that is cheap and readily available now.



Twists up a joint, sits back and enjoys this gem unfold

The sad thing is I dont ever see it happening, atleast not a total legalization of it. Its too easy of a plant for the common man to grow. It would be harder for the state to collect their taxes then it is catching everyone that grows now.

A medical situation might work, going through designated care givers so the state can get their part

i say decriminalize it to the point where if you are caught with it upto XX amount you wont receive more than a fine/ticket. but over a certain amount shall carry a heftier fine, rather than a misdemeanor possession charge and/or possible jail time

Truthfully theyd probably save money legalizing it because they wouldnt have to arrest people and put them in jail for possession/sales of it. No more expensive investigations into it either.

As far as I know people can grow their own tobacco and then roll their own cigarettes so would it really be that much different?