It's been a good month

  1. I got married less than a month ago
  2. Went on a great honeymoon to the Dominican Republic
  3. We just heard today that the bank accepted our offer on our first house

Now I have 30 days to find either a new job or a 2nd job since Circuit City cut our hours down. If anyone knows of any jobs let me know. I was at RIT for close to 3 years studying Mechanical Engineering Tech and have been professionally installing Car Audio for about 4 years.

if u live in Rochester…apply and M/E Engineering on Chesnut St,

Congrats on #1 and 3. Ive got about 4 months till im hitched, we are just renting until I get a career after i graduate.

Wow another marriage. Did we know about this one??

How was the Dominican Republic?

Congrats man! It’s a tough job market out there. Good luck!


Its spreading


congrats :wink:

:tup: congrats dood. thats some good shit.

Thanks guys. The DR was pretty nice. All Inclusive Hilton resort, so basically, we sat on the beach all week staring at the Caribean and getting drinks at the bar.