low of one degree tonight
yea i know. I just went to wendys in my moms car and the window wouldnt even go down.
i just checked, it is warmer in north dakota than it is here in 'ice’burgh
f outside
warm in my house
screw this weather it needs to be summer alrady.
I went outside and my fingers got numb. then I went inside and…
this weather is really stupid. i dont know if i have the flu or what, but its knocking me the hell out. i usually sleep in a tank top and shorts and im in sweats and a hoodie under 3 blankets and still freezing. my whole body aches, and ive been nauseous since 5pm. i just woke up now bc the ice on the roof keeps cracking and woke me the hell up. not to mention the headache from hell. ok im done ranting…anyone else sick from this stupid weather?
weather.com says its 5 degrees outside right now but feels like below 3 deg
im sick…
all i can say is ive been watching my oil tank suck down the heating fuel like no other! ill probally be on my third tank begining of march!!!
Damn! Thats alot of oil to be using, holy shit.
my gass bill was 260 last month. gawd damnit
I had to work outside in that… you > me