
Currently in Johnstown: -1°F Feels Like -20°F as per weather.com

I’d rather have 3’ of snow and mid 30s. I hate when it gets this cold.

lol our thermometer outside reads 1º! I am not leaving the house today! :slight_smile:

Yeah, this is straight bullshit.

I went to start my car this morning… turned over so slow I didn’t think it would start, on top of that it made a nasty noise upon starting and my door hinges creak real bad when it’s this cold. Not to mention the tranny is cold. 25 MPH @ 3000 RPM FTL (Hesitant on upshifts, damn auto.)

My beater wouldn’t start. Pulled it to the garage with the quad so I could put the charger/jumper to it. You know it’s cold when the rear defroster doesn’t even touch the window.


my clutch felt like it was frozen stuck this morning and the shifter would not move i had to pull over and try and get it to shift gears plus i was on low fuel and had to freeze my ass off to put damn gas in the car

nice weather,more tows from me!:smiley:


1 here, feels like -17… no school :slight_smile:

you sissys, try walking to work(like me and pewter do)and then complain.

Wait a tick…you live where you work, don’t you?

I was hoping my car didnt start this morning…actually praying while I got ready for work. All I wanted to do was go back under my blankets. Unfortunately it started, making this awful noise…sounded like a chainsaw of some sort. This frigid weather is ridiculous. South Carolina is lookin good in the near future. (I say I’m moving south every winter) lol

uphill both ways :tounge:

:rofl: You walk the length of my driveway to work.

same here no school! and im walkin to a friends house today

12 in the shop right now and all my coal froze together:down:


(were u in walmart a couple nights ago? i saw someone who had a first try enginering sweatshirt and i was going to introduce myself. but im toooo shy and wasn’t sure if it was you.)

i seemed to use a crapload of gas getting to work this morning. when I fired up the truck this morning it said it had 1/4 tank, but by the time I got to work, the low fuel light was on, and the needle was in the red. We have to dirve to Oakdale in the morning to drop the kids off, but that is serioulsly like 12 miles, and then 6 from Oakdale to RIDC west, so I dont know where all my gas went.

yep that was me. my shop is 1 minute from walmart stop by one day

bgblockelcamino, you really need a waste-oil furnace! :smiley: