Damn its cold 2 Degrees right now


I knew it was real cold this morning when I let my truck run for 15 min and it still wasnt warm. -8 degree windchill, ouch

yes, thats true.

yea i let my car warm up fo about 15 min…still wast very warm…well the seats were

I was thinking the same thing. Rem start ran for 10 minutes… barely crept over 120*.

Walking from the parking lot to the office and my legs were freeeeezin.


I like snow… i HATE bitter cold.

it was -1 when i left my house this morning

its bitter fucking cold out there today

My car would barely start that ain’t good!

Snow = shit
Cold = shit
Winter = shit

on every car i have ever owned, the clutch gets really sticky whenever it gets colder like this. happen to anyone else? its fine once the car warms up a bit.

I just have issues with first gear when its cold like this. The car doesn’t like to downshift into first at a stop light.


Thank you for the cheese. It compliments my whine nicely.
I’m not one of those people who complains in the summer thought when it gets really hot out. I love summer. I only have qualms with winter.

when it gets cold out 1st to 2nd gear are alway a little iffy for the first couple of shifts

and i just washed my car… hahah :tup:



Same with my car. It’s horrible because it won’t go into 2nd sometimes, and I gotta do all this shit to get it in.

It was even better walking to work and waiting for the bus/train this morning…

it’s fucking dumb cold in the NYC today also

Ya, I can’t believe how cold it is…

I was cleaning out my car and my nostrils almost froze shut. Gotta love it!

i go by the theory if u cant find it grind it…i think i am due for a fluid change in the tranny anyway i might do that soon

if someone came up with a portable (or temporary) heated garage, they’d make a killing

ya we where at like 10 this am… it was shitty. the ka started right up so i was happy :tspry: