clutch freezing?

hey everyone. i tried to start my car today so i could warm it up and get it ready for tomorrow’s meet… i rolled back out of my driveway, then tried to put it into reverse… and it didn’t go! so then i just pushed the shifter a bit harder into reverse and it grinded :(. something seemed terribly wrong at that point… i then tried to go into first and then it wouldnt go at all… same thing with all the other gears, so i just sat there and turned it off… thought my shifter might be sticky, but it worked with the engine off, so i am assuming it is my clutch.

anyways, anyone have a remedy for this? my car is parked outside at all times and garage storing is not an option for me (at my house anyways). thanks for all information in advance.

  • Brian

pump the clutch pedal a bit, that used to help with my S13A

You could try bleeding the clutchline. There might be a small air bubble or water trapped. Also check if your master and slave cylinders are in good condition

Bleeding is a little tedious with the damper assembly. I’d recommend chucking the sucker out if you have the opportunity to do so.

what he said, and put it in neutral and let it warm up a little see if that helps. It does with me.

i let my car run for 5-10 min then drive for 5 min and everything is fine for me

put it into gear, then start it up? :slight_smile:

Hey brian

Like everyone is saying it’s just gotta warm up and you should be good man.

Good luck.

Easy 8)

as far as last night goes, i let it warm up for 10 minutes sitting there after i couldnt shift, so i dont think that helped much. i also tried what pavel said, but even if i can drive in first i cant get into second, and its a bitch to get out of gear too.

let me try to give you a more detailed explanation of the problem…

clutch pedal moves in and out fine. if i start it in gear with the clutch pedal down, it acts normal, when i let up clutch, it stalls. i would assume this is fairly normal behaviour. but when i start car out of gear, i cannot get it into gear, with clutch depressed. if i really force it, it grinds like heck. so right now, i’m not quite sure of what to do, but i hope it was just screwy cuz of the cold weather last night, and i hope it shifts fine today… [-o<.

hope so to, weather does all sorts of fucked up things.

how long do you guys usually let it warm up for? it has been sitting for 15 minutes and i still cannot shift… can anyone pinpoint the problem? btw forgot to mention, but it is an 91 s13… but everyone probably assumed this because i dont think s14s would do this!

How does it move back & forth in neutral?

Changed the tranny fluid lately? You DO have enough in there…? :?

I told him on IRC. It’s just the weather.

And his tranny fluid is just old and probablly not even the right viscocity
for the weather? :dunno:

Let the car run for a few min to let some of the heat transfer from block
to tranny and then slowly drive for a bit.

Consider changing tranny fluid this summer. 80w90 should be ideal (FSM
recommends 75w90 I believe).

Yeah, damn cold weather killed my beater on Friday, have to try and figure out what’s wrong with it…

Hey Brian, as per our discussion on Friday night, have you checked the fluid level yet? These are ALL symptoms of not enough fluid.

Good luck man.