It's mine! Say hello to...

MY 2005 HONDA CBR600RR!!! It’s only got 4,034 miles on it, never dropped, no scratches, mint condition!!

Some more pics…

(Those pictures are from my friend, they were taking right before this past winter, so that’s why there’s no snow or anything lol)

I’ll be looking forward to riding with you guys. And it goes without saying, be careful out there.

ugh…you suck chris. have fun with it. i’ve been looking at cbr’s myself.

:InB4PaintedGauges: :lol: Sorry, had to.

I’m seeing red X’s, but work intarweb has been weird lately.

Congrats. Ride safe.

Nice! Damnit, seeing everyones new bikes is making me antsy as hell.

damn, maybe i should get a bike, seems like its the cool thing to do lately

Looks sharp :tup:

wow that was fast…wasn’t it like less than 2 weeks ago you decided to start shopping around for bikes and trying to sell your car?

i hope you didn’t just jump on the first deal you found…it’s a mistake we’ve all made…buying the first thing that seems “close enough” to what you really want just for the sake of getting it…and then realizing it’s not what you 100% wanted…

if you did luck out and find your dream bike that fast though, congrats dude…good times.

HAHA yup time to give up on cars everybody, the revolution has started, bikes ftw!

Nice bike, looks nice, my buddy just bought an 03’ 600rr same color

Holy shit were gonna have big groups for rides this year.

I’ll start setting up meets :ohyeah:

lol, actually i’ve been shopping around for the past 4-5 months now, but kept on it on the down-low because i figured it’d be a nice surprise to everyone when i actually did get it lol.

lol, i honestly dont know if u can rice out a bike lol

nice bike, was it on craigslist i called about one the day after it was posted and the guy said it was sole already looked just like this one

im sure you will figure it out… i give it 2 months until another WHICH muffler should i get thread… :noob:

naw my friend came to me cuz he knew i was looking for one and he didnt want to ship it down to el paso

lmao. actually im keeping the stock exhaust cuz i heard it depreciates the value of it like crazy the second u take it off. plus i have no need for a loud bike, though…i dont have a need for a loud car either =P lol

i see well nice bike be safe


awesome bike. be safe :tup:

nice bike

I dont think thats how it works, especially since you can swap a pipe in minutes. The only thing that will depreciate that bike fast will be if you fuck it up. But I think thats kinda obvious.

Stock pipes are what I have always run too. Being stealthy is :tup: Only thing you gota do is ditch the blinkers and mudflap and probably atleast a set of racerails.

Rear fender delete, tiny little LED turn signals and brake light, alpinestar body suit, mirrored face shield. Done.
