its now racist to use the term "black hole"

A friends dad does the same thing as you. So far he has had no problems. Just watch out for the bait and switchers.

I heard about the whole black hole devils food thing on the O&A show the other day. Shit like that makes me fucking sick. All this racial sensitivity shit has got to go. If you dont like it…leave. Simple as that. Im a white guy, but not being born in the US I cought a bit of heat when I was little. Honestly i didnt and still dont give a shit. If anything I threw it right back.

But really. Maybe the government should send Jackson and Sharpton to Africa for a few months. Just drop them off in the middle of no where with a pair of Nike shorts on a “white T” and a machete for self defense. Than bring them back. Bet you they change their tune real quick.

Just my two cents though. But in all honestly. If your ass wasnt born in Africa. Dont call yourself an African American. Maybe an American African at most. Ugh. Im gona stop now before I get fired up. Shit like this just sickens me.