Itunes question....

Okay, here is the scenario. My uncle is a professional photographer. He is compiling a photo album for one of his clients. He purchased a song from Itunes and he wishes to incorporate this song into the album for background music. He came over this weekend and I played the album on my desktop. The format was .mov obviously. When Itunes came up to play the album, an authorization screen came up requesting UN/Pass for the file that was purchased. Total BS…anywho…what I was thinking was to take the .mp4 file and converting it to an mp3 file and hoping that would bypass the auth issue…or does teh mp4 file have something encoded that cant be removed??? Any suggestions?:roll2:

itunes = DRM…

find a DRM stripper for format (google and read)

+1 !

Thank you very much sir(s)