izzo's signature

i’m not usually the type to complain about shit like this but…is this seriously going to be allowed to fly?

i mean really though…i’ve seen worse shit before, but this isn’t a fucking porn site.

i look at SON at work and now i’m not so sure i should be doing that.

lol i looked up his profile…def. not PG rated

Ya, my boss saw, he laughed lol

Why not just pm him and tell him to get rid of it.

Because that’s the job of the moderator team.


go here to get twice as informed and maybe some lolxzzz

what this?


or did he switch it already?

Chris’s sig is awesome:


there are other dudes here with semi-porn sigs… chick sucking the cork out of a champagn bottle… + others…

if izzo changed it then that’s great, police yourselves gents :slight_smile:

yo i wanna see this shit.

post it back up

What was it??? :smiley:

yea I wanna see it too

it was a chick shooting out milk? (it was some white substance, not cum) and a double ended dildo out her ass

u can find it on 4gifs if u rly want it…

its on his jdmr avatar lol

bah bah haha that signature is old anyways

I won’t post it, but its on this page…


he changed it.

it was basically a chick pooing out a fucking 2 foot long dildo. i’m not a prude; i’ll admit i watched it like 4 times over lol but that shit has a time and a place IMO.

the chick sucking the sprite bottle ain’t nearly as bad…it’s more of an innuendo than anything.

anyways, problem solved.

PS yes Keez’s is fucking hilarious