Make me mad, i wish i kept my hypnotizing signature
Oh yeah, and they also make me aroused. :oops:
Make me mad, i wish i kept my hypnotizing signature
Oh yeah, and they also make me aroused. :oops:
i look forwrd to lookin at ur post cause i like ur avatars ,
Can we agree on some limitations on file sizes? two weeks ago some guy who i can’t remember had a 1mb animated gif as his avatar, it was cool but considering not everypone has high speed it’s a pain in the ass.
I vote for no animated gifs.
Limited file size is fine, but why restrict all animated gifs? And are you deleting all the risque pics as well?
I haven’t deleted anything in months, I don’t have the tijme to explain to peopl ewhy i delete things so i’ll leave that to the other mods.
File size restriction should be fine.
yeah file size restrictions is fine.
Forget filesize it has to be cut down to the original 400 x 125 pixles.
I hate these HUGE Signatures… Hint Hint Jesse…
Your That’s JDM TYTE YO + Sheep sig accounts for: 503 x 125
Look, it’s a bird, no it’s a plane, no it’s Cpt. Hypocrite. :hahano:
I just had an idea, how about only paid members get allowed to have avatar and or sig images?!!? that would be another way to encourage people to donate funds.
Also, we should restrict privelages in some sections, like meets and events, only members should be able to post there. same with the tech section/ FAQ. People can still read all of the threads but only paid members should be able to post, ask questions and chit chat.
how bout just reply and not beable to start new topics? Other than that, sounds good to me.
I believe some of these features might not be available in the message board software we use.
How about make SON members only…
Vote to revoe Adam’s posting privilages.
Andrew has the Admin Access tro the forum, look into it.