J.D. Power: Ford beats Toyota in quality rankings

In terms of Financial Statements, Import or Domestic only refer to the location of the Corporate Entity. It still a fact that all $$$ made by Toyota in the end goes back to Japan and all of the money made (mostly lost) by the Domestic Coporations stays in the U.S., but this is a World Economy and anyone in the world can own a portion of these companies through stock. Then all of these companies have “owners” in all parts of the world and that is where the money goes in the end.

Now if you look at Domestic versus Import in the terms of factory jobs in the U.S., then in todays market the “Imports” are more Domestic that the “Domestic” car companies. Some of the reasons the Import companies can product cars in the United States and still make money is because they don’t have the Union and retirement legacy cost like Ford and GM, those costs are what make those companies look to other countries for cheap labor in order to cut cost.

If the Unions in these places would understand that someone stamping/ assembling simple parts doens’t deserve $25 an hour, plus full pension, plus full healthcare, which works out to (I can’t remember exactly) $75 - $80 / hour for just that one employee.

Thats all for now.

How the fuck do you even rate “initial quality.” “Yup, it’s brand new. So’s this one. Well I personally like this one better so I’m going to call it higher quality.” :cjerk:


In terms of Financial Statements, Import or Domestic only refer to the location of the Corporate Entity. It still a fact that all $$$ made by Toyota in the end goes back to Japan and all of the money made (mostly lost) by the Domestic Coporations stays in the U.S., but this is a World Economy and anyone in the world can own a portion of these companies through stock. Then all of these companies have “owners” in all parts of the world and that is where the money goes in the end.


Initial quality LOL, fords are a fucking joke

I fucking love this argument, “but the money goes back to Japan” :lol:, well it doesn’t and if you think it does you are retarded; go read a few macroeconomics books.

Ford takes away jobs from the USA while toyota creates them.

Follow the money trail…

actually… Fords quality is quite good IMO. Never once had a problem with any of my Fords aside from regular stuff… even at high milage. :shrug:

I fucking love this argument, “but the money goes back to Japan” :lol:, well it doesn’t and if you think it does you are retarded; go read a few macroeconomics books.

Been there done that, you need to read some more books, my post was about the differences in perception relating to an Import vs Domestic Company that they no longer mean the same thing in a Global economy.

Who truely owns and profits from a Corporation in the end after all of the bills are paid??? Answer the stock holders, they “own” the company. That is what I was refering to when the $$ goes back initially, but then I guess you also missed the part were I said anyone in the world can own their stock.

Ford takes away jobs from the USA while toyota creates them.

I already said that.

Please read my whole post and then STFU.

I see 3 Mazdas on that list?

I did read your post I like it. That quote I made was not directed towards you

I agree with everything you said.

Where is 87Fox? Someone needs to :picard: all of this

:tup: to Ford, its important that they get it together

O.K. I didn’t get that because you quoted me, then made that comment. :smiley:

:tup: to Ford.

Initial quality - At least it is a start of something good.


O.K. I didn’t get that because you quoted me, then made that comment.


its early


Initial quality LOL, fords are a fucking joke

I fucking love this argument, “but the money goes back to Japan” :lol:, well it doesn’t and if you think it does you are retarded; go read a few macroeconomics books.

Ford takes away jobs from the USA while toyota creates them.

Follow the money trail…


Ya i have, the money leaves. Maybe you should go read a couple more books.

Its all semantics.
Maybe the actual “cash” does not leave but, his point is; buying US made stuff from US companies helps the US.

Think trade deficit.

Well there quality has been way up compared to before, it’s a start especially compared to some of their 90s early-00 crap.

But much like the Japanese have mostly shaken off the “Jap-crap” image, it’s going to be years before ford can shake off their image if they are indeed committed like these past few years. Even if they released the best product ever, it’s still going to be looked down on just because of the name.


Its all semantics.
Maybe the actual “cash” does not leave but, his point is; buying US made stuff from US companies helps the US.

Think trade deficit.


exactly buying a fusion that is made in mexico, does not help our economy as much as the Camry

The money leaves whether it is ford or Toyota. Shareholders own both