No effing wai.

I’m really starting to think that JD Powers rankings are dependent on nothing but bribes. I find this very hard to believe:

Reliability after 3 years of ownership:

  1. Lexus & Buick (tie)
  2. Cadillac
  3. Mercury
  4. Honda
  5. Toyota


well there are a lot of toyotas being built in the states now.

but Mercury???

why is it so hard to believe american cars might not all be crap?

I firmly believe american cars are getting MUCH better than the were in the mid nineties… but what i find hard to believe is that honda/toyota are so far down the list.

Actually this list only supports inconsistencies within American automakers.

Cadillac should have better reliability than Buick.
Lincoln isn’t better than Mercury?

Lexus is better than Toyota, as it should be.

Toyota has admitted their quality has slipped lately and they’re taking huge steps to address the problem.

That being said, I’ve never put a lot of faith in JD Powers surveys.

Toyota should move the plants back to Japan,

As this shows, fixing the problem is easier than fixing the perception

:word: But I still wouldn’t trust a chrysler farther than I could throw it…

dude. you can throw a chrysler? awesome

It all depends on how discriminating the car owner is.
People that buy Buicks aren’t as picky as people that buy Porsches.
When a Buick owner fills out the survey he is probably grinning from ear to ear about his new ride no matter how big of a hunk of shit it is.
If there is any little problem with a Porsche, the owner is more likely to rip Porsche a new one in the survey.

good point

Not very far, but I also wouldn’t trust one much, so it works.

Yep. And this is nothing new, they’ve been moving up the list for a few years now.
No problems with my going-on-9 year old 300M either :dunno:
Is the list filled out by owners or independent researchers?

Consumer Reports >*

Little problems are often big hassles with a Porsche. Every time I have to order a part if has to come from Germany (apparently the dealership stocks little to nothing in the way of parts around here), not to mention it’s expensive to fix anything… but you accept that when you buy it.

My brand spanking new Nissan is going to have to go back to the shop next week. A shock or something in back has been squeaking like a mofo since day 1. :tdown:

are you talking about the magazine that would road test cars, jerk the wheel really hard to the right, take both hands off of the wheel and see what would happen…

Did they call that the “dumb broad dropped her lipstick” test?