Theres a new name atop the big 3 manufacturers


  1. Toyota
  2. Chevy
  3. Honda

doesn’t change the fact that they make peices of shit. just means that many more people are stupid.

now how is going to be the first ass bag to start saying that this is why the economy sucks people keep buying foreign cars

more hondas are built in this country, from parts made in this country then ford or chevy

hondas are great economical cars… i’d rock an accord or an acura any day. toyota on the otherhand, i wouldn’t buy.

toyota quality has gone down the crapper

look at all the tacoma’s that they just recalled for bad frames

The build quality and looks of Chevy and new Fords are terrible. No wonder no one is buying them. They have the build quality and styling like a Daewoo. Just look at the new focus.

because the american union workers and american car company negotiaters screwed the fuck up. then japs came in undercut the market and then the job weren;t needed at the big 3 cause they were selling.

people are ok with the fact the honda employs american workers but will bash exxon to high hell and back… why? exxon employs tons of americans… millions of american make money from exxon. i have a mutal fund and i make more money because exxon does well than i am losing at the pump. people who think honda is ok but bash the like of exxon are HYPOCRITES!. i wanna punch obama everytime he bashes exxon…its like fuck you uncle tom… i’m making money.

You don’t think its possibly because the Japanese sell a superior product that actually retains resale value along with reliablity?

I agree, its crazy that Chevy is still #2 on the list.

what are you talkin about about. its all perception and preconcieved notions. my dad has worked on cars for close to 40 years and is under both american and foreign cars everyday. he completely says the contrary. american cars are breaking no more than foreign cars and cost about half as much to fix. no one is buying them because they’ve gone away from american styling and try to look to much like the shit coming outta japan. America is also a hugely sheepish society, motherfucker believe TV commercials and propoganda like motor trend. he had an 05 hyundai come in with a rotted engine craddle. rotted that it couldnt pass inspection… an 0 fuckin 5 son!

the only problem GM did was make cars in the 80’s so good they lasted forever then they realized they couldnt sell as many cars if they built everything like that and they instead made disposible shit boxes in teh 90’s. cieras/centurys/6000s/celebrities still all over the road like no ones business. find me and 80’s honda/ toyota in the numbers you see american cars… nope can’t do it… they’ve already be recycled into other things…that is if they hadn;'t already disinigrated into a rust pile. the difference between a rusted GM and a rusted foreign car is the GM will look bad when it rusts and the foreign car will fall apart.

yeah becasue the sheep believe it… thats what keeps the value up. reliability? all my 80’s cars start up and go everyday and are cheap n easy to fix. but for real durability…theres a reason NY taxis are Crown vics and not toyotas. the panther platform has been running strong since 1979… thats older than probably 70% of this board!

So Toyota outsells just Chevy, not all of GM? I would assume that’s total vehicle sales, not just cars.

it was bound to happen at some point. ford will regain it’s edge though one of these days if they market their new cars correctly.

Ford should start making products for the upcoming war with iran and north korea.

I threw in some edits to reiterate what I was trying to say. I know you mis-interpreted it and had to find a way to prop 80’s GM cars. But essentially you said the same thing while arguing with me.

You don’t see many 80’s foreign cars on the road as you do domestics, but that’s the point here. THat build quality and styling of many foreign cars are far outweighing their domestic counterparts. GM ain’t the same as it was when it crafted what you tend to be bias towards “the greatest chassis platform known to man.”

80’s cars > *

So damn ugly but reliable.

actually if u wanna get technically number one and number two should just be number one being GM and toyota have a few cars that use identical parts. One exanple is the pontiac vibe and the toyota matrix. My wifes corrolla has the same engine and front body structure as a pontiac vibe.

you can’t seriously say that Honda’s build quality isn’t light years ahead of Chevrolet… The build on my $20,000 Prelude was light years ahead of the Corvette…

so why didnt u buy a prelude?
