J&J vs. Firehawk853

[quote=“BaD AZz Z/28,post:84,topic:32197"”]

Ok this one is easy because you arent as smart as the rest:

I dont know how I, with a masters degree, ever spent as much time with a college drop out parts clerk that lives above his inlaws. But I should remind you that you have no shop, those cylinder heads were in your moms garage. I had your hoist for 6 years while doing work for you. You wouldnt return my compressor, so I had to come and get it. You still had my cylinder heads, tools, and parts. I told you to come get your hoist and you refused. I sent you a certified letter that you must take it or I was selling it, and you took me to court. In court, which you showed up to in jeans and a scrubby tshirt, you refused again to take your engine hoist. So I drove out and exchanged our stuff. You took them out of my truck and didnt say a word about this so called damage. The cylinder heads you gave back to me are damaged, but just getting rid of you was enough for me. Except you havent gone away yet, and now its needed to be escalated legally. Thats fine, I look forward to it.


This is easy because you lie and surround yourself with weak minded people who will believe every word you say: (here is the truth and I am sure many people can defend what I say)

1 - Air compressor was actually Neils compressor but I guess you bought it or he gave it to you. That really doesn’t matter. What does matter IS YOU BROUGHT that compressor to Chuck’s house to work on YOUR CAR because Chuck had a shop/garage and you had nothing but a cold driveway in winter/spring. So YOU brought the compressor to Chuck’s house and YOU left it there. IT WAS AT CHUCK’S HOUSE, not mine. I didn’t deny you access to your compressor. You were free to call up Chuck anytime and pick it up which you did. /STORY ON THAT ONE

2 - The cylinder heads weren’t YOURS, they came off Slater’s engine. They are in the exact same condition as when they were removed from the engine. I wrapped them and put them on a shelf. Now I never had these heads magnafluxed or anything like that so if they are cracked then they were cracked when they were removed.

3 - To my knowledge I have NONE of your parts, tools, etc. So if I have something of yours please tell me and you will get it back in the same condition I got it in (unlike my tools that you saw the need to destroy)

4 - Certified letter you did send, and my lawyer friend looked at it and asked if you were stupid or mentally challenged. YOU PICKED up the engine lift at Chuck’s house. You used it to put in your engine countless times, you used it to put in FourEyed’s engine, and you also used it to put in Slater’s engine. That was stuff you did, using my tools and equipment. Did I ask you for any money of expect any money. Certainly not because at the time you were a close friend and I am sure many people will tell you I don’t mind lending tools out to people who respect them and return them in the same fashion they took them in. So let me know again why I should pickup something that you TOOK from Chuck’s house. Also why should I owe you rent on something YOU TOOK. I mean I can’t charge Blockbuster storage fee on a movie that I pickup from their store

5 - Both Firehawk853, Turbo LS1 SS, Psycho PJV can support the fact that you returned damaged shit to me that Friday night at Chuck’s house

6 - Yeah I showed up in Jeans and a T shirt because I thought court was at 3 PM not 2 PM so I had to rush down there. Also justice is suppose to be blind. Just because you came dressed in a suit and tie doesn’t mean you tell the truth. Don’t worry I will come dressed up to small claims court this time around to impress you and to listen to your river to lies