J&J vs. Firehawk853

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:69,topic:32197"”]

…from one engine builder to the next


Turbo you can always make me laugh. I think this was the funniest one liner in this whole thread.

Then on to the badazz issue. You are so childish I don’t even know where to start. I wonder if you explained to everyone how I had to take you to small claims court to get my engine lift and air hose back. You showed up in court on May 11, 2007 and claimed I was just looking for money. When all I wanted was MY tools that you borrowed from Chuck’s house in Sept 2006. You went in front of the judge in your suit and tie and told her it was resolved and you were bringing me my stuff back that Friday night. You claimed I had a set of cylinder head cores from Slater’s engine that you wanted. They weren’t technically yours but they were just collecting dust in my shop. I also told you to get YOUR air hose at Chuck’s house in return for mine that you took. I do also remember trying to shake your hand in the elevator at city court and saying lets have a beer and end this BS. Then in true badazz fashion you refused and got all heated. A women in the elevator even told you to calm down.

So then later that night you show up at Chuck’s house in Cheektowaga to drop off my equipment that you took in Sept 2006. The engine lift was unloaded and then you took it upon yourself to throw my air hose on the ground (childish). I seem to remember having your air hose coiled up nicely, and the cylinder head cores were wrapped in plastic. Neither of which were damaged in any way shape or form. Then while picking up my air hose I asked you were the expensive safety disconnect ends were. Immediately you jumped in my face in true meathead fashion, then got all angry and left.

Later after moving the stuff in the garage I noticed that you maliciously destroyed everything. You took a brand new air hose and took the nice push button disconnect ends off the hose. Probably because you liked them and are still using them at your shop. Then if that wasn’t bad enough you took both of the brass ends and crushed them oblong in a vice so the hose was completely unusable. Then moving onto the engine lift you broke a wheel off (obvious hammer marks) then you tightened the pressure relief valve on the hydraulic ram, and then broke if off flush with a hammer (again obvious hammer marks). You also took the jack handle and pinched the end closed in a vice (vice marks).

All I asked for is my tools back. If they would’ve came back in good condition that would’ve been the end of it. Instead you again decided to do it the hard way. I mean I don’t know what you were thinking at the time when you destroyed everything. A smart person would’ve used their brain and thought he took me to court to get his stuff back, he will probably take me to small claims court again if I destroy his shit. I guess you didn’t think about that. So now you have to waste another day in small claims court and explain to the same judge why you decided to destroy my tools instead of returning them in good condition and just ending this whole ordeal. Sometimes I don’t know how someone with a masters degree like yourself can be so stupid and unreasonable.


Its was you double dipping in the pot. One minute he’s a friend with a hook up, next minute he’s an enemy with a vendetta. How many times did you get a piece of the action? From all these customers, some of which you have mentioned? i seem to remember you getting paid on number of occasions.
illogical exactly.


I was double dipping? Haha thats funny. I got paid exactly one time, for $50. It was supposed to be $100 from jay plus a tip from the customer, because I ran around transporting the guys parts as a favor. However, JnJ only left $50 for me at your house and claimed he gave back the tip. Now if I was paid illegally, I’ll be sure to let the IRS know of the illegal company providing the wage.

Now if I remember correctly, I secured a procharger sale from that customer that day. A procharger install that was later botched and almost led to legal action. Its the same customer that just had flawless engine/transmission/clutch/blower work done by PMP last month with a 1 week turnaround.


Immediately you jumped in my face in true meathead fashion, then got all angry and left.


Best sentence in the entire thread :jam:


Turbo you can always make me laugh. I think this was the funniest one liner in this whole thread.

Then on to the badazz issue. You are so childish I don’t even know where to start. I wonder if you explained to everyone how I had to take you to small claims court to get my engine lift and air hose back. You showed up in court on May 11, 2007 and claimed I was just looking for money. When all I wanted was MY tools that you borrowed from Chuck’s house in Sept 2006. You went in front of the judge in your suit and tie and told her it was resolved and you were bringing me my stuff back that Friday night. You claimed I had a set of cylinder head cores from Slater’s engine that you wanted. They weren’t technically yours but they were just collecting dust in my shop. I also told you to get YOUR air hose at Chuck’s house in return for mine that you took. I do also remember trying to shake your hand in the elevator at city court and saying lets have a beer and end this BS. Then in true badazz fashion you refused and got all heated. A women in the elevator even told you to calm down.

So then later that night you show up at Chuck’s house in Cheektowaga to drop off my equipment that you took in Sept 2006. The engine lift was unloaded and then you took it upon yourself to throw my air hose on the ground (childish). I seem to remember having your air hose coiled up nicely, and the cylinder head cores were wrapped in plastic. Neither of which were damaged in any way shape or form. Then while picking up my air hose I asked you were the expensive safety disconnect ends were. Immediately you jumped in my face in true meathead fashion, then got all angry and left.

Later after moving the stuff in the garage I noticed that you maliciously destroyed everything. You took a brand new air hose and took the nice push button disconnect ends off the hose. Probably because you liked them and are still using them at your shop. Then if that wasn’t bad enough you took both of the brass ends and crushed them oblong in a vice so the hose was completely unusable. Then moving onto the engine lift you broke a wheel off (obvious hammer marks) then you tightened the pressure relief valve on the hydraulic ram, and then broke if off flush with a hammer (again obvious hammer marks). You also took the jack handle and pinched the end closed in a vice (vice marks).

All I asked for is my tools back. If they would’ve came back in good condition that would’ve been the end of it. Instead you again decided to do it the hard way. I mean I don’t know what you were thinking at the time when you destroyed everything. A smart person would’ve used their brain and thought he took me to court to get his stuff back, he will probably take me to small claims court again if I destroy his shit. I guess you didn’t think about that. So now you have to waste another day in small claims court and explain to the same judge why you decided to destroy my tools instead of returning them in good condition and just ending this whole ordeal. Sometimes I don’t know how someone with a masters degree like yourself can be so stupid and unreasonable.


Ok this one is easy because you arent as smart as the rest:

I dont know how I, with a masters degree, ever spent as much time as I did with a college drop out parts clerk that lives above his inlaws. But I should remind you that you have no shop, those cylinder heads were in your moms garage. I had your hoist for 5 years while doing work for you. You wouldnt return my compressor, so I had to come and get it. You still had my cylinder heads, tools, and parts. I told you to come get your hoist and you refused. I sent you a certified letter that you must take it or I was selling it, and you took me to court. In court, which you showed up to in jeans and a scrubby tshirt, you refused again to take your engine hoist. So I drove out and exchanged our stuff. You took them out of my truck and didnt say a word about this so called damage. The cylinder heads you gave back to me are damaged, but just getting rid of you was enough for me. Except you havent gone away yet, and now its needed to be escalated legally. Thats fine, I look forward to it.

[quote=“BaD AZz Z/28,post:82,topic:32197"”]

Now if I remember correctly, I secured a procharger sale from that customer that day. A procharger install that was later botched and almost led to legal action. Its the same customer that just had flawless engine/transmission/clutch/blower work done by PMP last month with a 1 week turnaround.


You? Secured it? hahahaha. How are the Nitrous installs gonig?

That is all.

I’m out.

angelos engine worked as it should have. it burned oil for a while. engines tend to do that in the breakin period. they seated. angelo staight up told jay this the day they were tearing it apart to be reringed (no charge to angelo). “ya the last several times i took it out it ran great, no oil burnt, ran strong as hell”. he complained about the fuel smell. mark, you should know, a cam with overlap will dump raw fuel out the exhaust due to O V E R L A P. BOTH VALVES OPEN. he complained the ride wasnt as smooth as he hoped. IT WAS A 383 RACE MOTOR WITH A HEALTHY CAM FOR CHRISTS SAKE. and was still pretty damn tame

MONDI. that guy is a fucking idiot for christs sake. purchased used headers stupid cheap. was aware of the damage (dented primary). chuck and i installed them. the bastard decided he didnt like them, so jnj bought him new replacements, and the swap was done free of charge. the procharger was installed perfectly, and was tuned. car ran great, no problems. mondi states out of the blue that he was tightening tensioners because he “thought they were loose”. and what do you know, this causes belts to slip. … then he was informed that 2bar SD tuning was not the proper way to tune by some retard which is complete IDIOCRACY. he takes the car somewhere else to get it tuned on the MAF, completely changing the tables, and what do you know, he blows

mark i have a question. since you claim to do flawless and speedy work, howcome in the last three years ive known you, you could barely get your own car running properly for more than a week, and year after year miss your goals of running one single 10 second ET?

its just rediculous how you attack someone elses quality of work when this obvious fact lies right before our eyes

obviously mark doesn’t do flawless work - when did he claim that?

i think his claim was to not fuck people over.

[quote=“BaD AZz Z/28,post:84,topic:32197"”]

Ok this one is easy because you arent as smart as the rest:

I dont know how I, with a masters degree, ever spent as much time with a college drop out parts clerk that lives above his inlaws. But I should remind you that you have no shop, those cylinder heads were in your moms garage. I had your hoist for 6 years while doing work for you. You wouldnt return my compressor, so I had to come and get it. You still had my cylinder heads, tools, and parts. I told you to come get your hoist and you refused. I sent you a certified letter that you must take it or I was selling it, and you took me to court. In court, which you showed up to in jeans and a scrubby tshirt, you refused again to take your engine hoist. So I drove out and exchanged our stuff. You took them out of my truck and didnt say a word about this so called damage. The cylinder heads you gave back to me are damaged, but just getting rid of you was enough for me. Except you havent gone away yet, and now its needed to be escalated legally. Thats fine, I look forward to it.


This is easy because you lie and surround yourself with weak minded people who will believe every word you say: (here is the truth and I am sure many people can defend what I say)

1 - Air compressor was actually Neils compressor but I guess you bought it or he gave it to you. That really doesn’t matter. What does matter IS YOU BROUGHT that compressor to Chuck’s house to work on YOUR CAR because Chuck had a shop/garage and you had nothing but a cold driveway in winter/spring. So YOU brought the compressor to Chuck’s house and YOU left it there. IT WAS AT CHUCK’S HOUSE, not mine. I didn’t deny you access to your compressor. You were free to call up Chuck anytime and pick it up which you did. /STORY ON THAT ONE

2 - The cylinder heads weren’t YOURS, they came off Slater’s engine. They are in the exact same condition as when they were removed from the engine. I wrapped them and put them on a shelf. Now I never had these heads magnafluxed or anything like that so if they are cracked then they were cracked when they were removed.

3 - To my knowledge I have NONE of your parts, tools, etc. So if I have something of yours please tell me and you will get it back in the same condition I got it in (unlike my tools that you saw the need to destroy)

4 - Certified letter you did send, and my lawyer friend looked at it and asked if you were stupid or mentally challenged. YOU PICKED up the engine lift at Chuck’s house. You used it to put in your engine countless times, you used it to put in FourEyed’s engine, and you also used it to put in Slater’s engine. That was stuff you did, using my tools and equipment. Did I ask you for any money of expect any money. Certainly not because at the time you were a close friend and I am sure many people will tell you I don’t mind lending tools out to people who respect them and return them in the same fashion they took them in. So let me know again why I should pickup something that you TOOK from Chuck’s house. Also why should I owe you rent on something YOU TOOK. I mean I can’t charge Blockbuster storage fee on a movie that I pickup from their store

5 - Both Firehawk853, Turbo LS1 SS, Psycho PJV can support the fact that you returned damaged shit to me that Friday night at Chuck’s house

6 - Yeah I showed up in Jeans and a T shirt because I thought court was at 3 PM not 2 PM so I had to rush down there. Also justice is suppose to be blind. Just because you came dressed in a suit and tie doesn’t mean you tell the truth. Don’t worry I will come dressed up to small claims court this time around to impress you and to listen to your river to lies


You? Secured it? hahahaha. How are the Nitrous installs gonig?

That is all.

I’m out.


I convinced him to get a blower and protected you when JnJ was ripping you a new asshole about the job. Once he screwed me on the money, I bailed before the blower went on…and off…and on… Lets not have selective memory.

Nitrous install? I dont get it?

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:86,topic:32197"”]




Angelos car never ran right. On top of that, they broke his transmission while street racing it and never told him, made him pay for it, and then Jay stole $800 from him with the check from AFR that angelo was never given. That plus the parts he kept put the total over $1000 score for him on top of the job itself, not a bad day in the life of a thief

Mondis car didnt seem to give me any issues. Paul fixed the leaky headers he was given too, dont worry about it, we covered it.

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:87,topic:32197"”]

mark i have a question. since you claim to do flawless and speedy work, howcome in the last three years ive known you, you could barely get your own car running properly for more than a week, and year after year miss your goals of running one single 10 second ET?

its just rediculous how you attack someone elses quality of work when this obvious fact lies right before our eyes


I never claimed flawless work - but if you must ask, I will claim excellent work and plenty of effort, and that goes for Paul and myself. We’ll do our best to make sure it gets done and gets done right. An overflowing shop is evidence of that, I dont need to sing my own praises, Im not desperate for acceptance.

Since you’ve known me, Ive gone through a number of parts failures, never hid from that. I broke a 10 bolt, I broke a transmission, I had an opti failure, and a lifter failure. I race hard and I never had the facilities that you were born into until now. I still came out and beat you last year. And that wasnt a fluke. Settle those concerns with me on the track, because you arent a customer, and our customers love our work.

^^ man what kills me is that all this is over a $ 100 piece of equipment. (jnjs post)

not like a $ 6k + bunked up unfinished motor build should be addressed. nah, that gets ignored, lets just rant about an air hose.

i’ll buy you a new fucking engine hoist if you admit you fucked me over, and that you were a dickhead.


Kind of like I don’t have time to dick around with my car right now?

But wait your shits been on jack stands for 7 fucking years now…

So don’t even begin to bust my balls…


sorry to go off topic but dude you fucking suck! everytime i see you post in a thread i get more pisssed off at you! you always have some stupid shit to say and you talk shit about other peoples cars like why it took them so long to build it or why they have so much money in them! dude just shut the fuck up and worry about your slow piece of shit car that you have!

but anyways nice run guys




Its not my fault you dress as ‘professionally’ as you act . We’ll straighten your mistaken story out in court. Its funny how you ask me to move your hoist around, beg me to get you business with it, ask me to drop it off at joes and chucks, and then get mad when I wont be your shipping company anymore.

[quote=“Big B,post:92,topic:32197"”]

sorry to go off topic but dude you fucking suck! everytime i see you post in a thread i get more pisssed off at you! you always have some stupid shit to say and you talk shit about other peoples cars like why it took them so long to build it or why they have so much money in them! dude just shut the fuck up and worry about your slow piece of shit car that you have!

but anyways nice run guys


Go fuck your self you honda fagget…

Sorry if your new here but I was busting JnJ’s balls which has been an on going thing for over 6 years now…

[quote=“BaD AZz Z/28,post:90,topic:32197"”]

I still came out and beat you last year. And that wasnt a fluke.


the only time we raced was the first night i came out boosted, on the spring, with TWO dead cylinders. one had NO wire connected, one had a dead plug. if that is the night of which you refer to… then :ham:

BTW, choda had a full car on you during that race. i kept my mouth shut when you wouldnt accept the fact, but …

o…and i still have that video. if you think im blowing smoke, listen to my car. it sounds like a weedwacker :wink:


^^ man what kills me is that all this is over a $ 100 piece of equipment. (jnjs post)

not like a $ 6k + bunked up unfinished motor build should be addressed. nah, that gets ignored, lets just rant about an air hose.

i’ll buy you a new fucking engine hoist if you admit you fucked me over, and that you were a dickhead.


Please explain how the forged 383 with AFR heads is bunked up or unfinished? The engine was fine when you started it and had excellent oil pressure. What was bunked up was the install. Fuel injectors installed wrong leaking fuel which I fixed. Oil pan or front cover leaking oil which I DIDN’T install. That would be your friend Mark who took care of that. Also when you brought the car to be tuned the header bolts were so loose and ticking so bad it was setting off the knock sensor. You picked up a complete long block at Chuck’s house minus tin and intake.

So if that is fucking you over then YES I FUCKED YOU OVER, and I have never claimed not be a dickhead at times. Also let me remind you that Badazz was suppose to help with the build because he wanted to be in on the 1LE 383 build. There were also 2 occasions were Mark put his own car/work in front of yours because, and I quote “Slater has a daily driver and I don’t.” “I am sick of my Mom driving me to work.”



Go fuck your self you honda fagget…


what are you fucking 3! cool bro i dont care if you have been sucking balls for 6 years
it just seems that evertime i see you post its about talking shit about someones car

[quote=“BaD AZz Z/28,post:93,topic:32197"”]

Its not my fault you dress as ‘professionally’ as you act . We’ll straighten your mistaken story out in court.


I think what you mean is. I will come and tell the truth and you will dress up professionally and lie through your teeth about destroying both items.

Okay I am off to build another fast engine


Go fuck your self you honda fagget…

Sorry if your new here but I was busting JnJ’s balls which has been an on going thing for over 6 years now…


shut up you boat sailing on land faggot :spunk:

[quote=“Big B,post:97,topic:32197"”]

what are you fucking 3! cool bro i dont care if you have been sucking balls for 6 years
it just seems that evertime i see you post its about talking shit about someones car


Such as?