J&J vs. Firehawk853


Lied? How many times did you put your own shit in front of slaters? Because slaters shit didn’t matter? You put yourself on this pedistal of “I’m so great cause I’m badazz” chill the fuck out. You don’t think ignorance is saying YOU have nothing to blame? NOTHING? Two to tango buddy. He was a friend doing a freind a favor at the time too ya know…

GOD, this is SUCH A DEAD FUCKING ISSUE. I bet you can’t drop it?


Lie #2 and 3. Wow.

Friend of a friend doing a favor? NO. He was a ‘speedshop’, he was brought thousands of dollars to perform a job. He set deadlines and made promises that he repeatedly broke. He sold and stole parts at will.

Do I have any blame for slaters car taking since October 2003 to run again…NO. I fought tooth and nail for slater, I never put my car infront of his, thats not why his car wasnt out. You know that. I took days off of work and ran errands and moved tools around at a moments notice to get the job done. But slater was waiting for a shortblock. He waited 30 months, way more patient than I ever wanted to be. When Slater finally let me take over, it was assembled, in his car and running within 6 days.

This doesnt get dropped because you continue to lie. Its that simple.

Good times…haha Hey mark how about that gear install buddy?

Book was ok … I prefer Catcher in the Rye

its funny you bring me into this.

ya, i got mad at jason. then i realized, in the heat of the moment, I WAS GETTING MAD THAT FREE WORK WASN’T GETTING DONE AS QUICKLY AS I WANTED IT TO.

YOU GUYS NEED TO LEARN THAT, WHEN SOMEONE IS DOING YOU A “FAVOR”, IT IS AROUND THEIR SCHEDULE, NOT* YOURS, IF THEY SHOULD SO PLEASE. i realized how childish and rediculous i was being. ya, i get pissed at jnj at times, the same way i get pissed at EVERYONE else. cry me a fucking river.

and as long as we are into this, jay takes his time and puts out quality work. ya, when he does work, whatever, i dont care. thats why shit he does isnt mysteriously broken down week by week. i cant believe the term hacking was used in his direction


we all know that even turbo, who is/was working on a day to day basis w/ chuck and jnj recently…


for the record…chuck and i have been working at our shop. jnj comes out of his own time to lend a hand and shoot the shit…


Book was ok … I prefer Catcher in the Rye


Ah by JD Sallinger, another good one!

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:64,topic:32197"”]



Turbo, you need to learn what was happening, rather than this concept you have which is wrong. This was a job for his business, not a favor. There were thousands of dollars at stake. And this was not a week or month delay. This was 30 months. If you brought me $5000 to start and $3000 more in parts, and 900 days later I hadnt returned an email or turned a rod bolt, would this still be just a game to you? Think for a moment, please.

u guys make my day go by so much faster, u all rock :tup:

[quote=“BaD AZz Z/28,post:67,topic:32197"”]

Turbo, you need to learn what was happening, rather than this concept you have which is wrong. This was a job for his business, not a favor. There were thousands of dollars at stake. And this was not a week or month delay. This was 30 months. If you brought me $5000 to start and $3000 more in parts, and 900 days later I hadnt returned an email or turned a rod bolt, would this still be just a game to you? Think for a moment, please.


i think if that were the case, MARK, something would have clicked in my head to take action into my own hands, personally pick up my money, and parts, rather than dwell over it for 900 days. im not defending jay in this story because im not going to pretend to know the whole story. but obviously this is your side of the story with details certainly left out.

since you are such the engine builder, and you’ve built all of the engines jnj claimed to have built, why didn’t YOU build it? or participate in the building. from one engine builder to the next


Once again JnJ need not post in every thread taking jabs at PMP and be a douche bag.


We could say the same for you Sherm. How about you take your own advise? :shrug:

I see the blame has now shifted to me? I contributed just as much as you. But Ya know, know right…everyone… I am to blame for this messs. I am truley sorry. WTF.

Thousands of dollars? For parts. They do cost money and he has every part he paid for and then some. He never paid for labor and neither did you. You sure didn’t act like that when it was your engine that broke, but as soon as its doesn’t go your way, then it becomes “a speedshop” and a “business”. But what do I know. You try and make yourself sound right. I’m a lier now anyway, so what does it matter.

Why can’t you handle it like slater? He’s angry but he’s not throwing a temper tantrum? I bet he can even be rational. It was his car for christs sake.

:lol: Rick :lol: :lol: :lol:

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:69,topic:32197"”]

i think if that were the case, MARK, something would have clicked in my head to take action into my own hands, personally pick up my money, and parts, rather than dwell over it for 900 days. im not defending jay in this story because im not going to pretend to know the whole story. but obviously this is your side of the story with details certainly left out.

since you are such the engine builder, and you’ve built all of the engines jnj claimed to have built, why didn’t YOU build it? or participate in the building. from one engine builder to the next


Why did slater give this much rope to jackstands to hang himself with? I dont know. Weeks turned into months into years, with jnj making promises of new deadlines and begging for more time because of everything you can think of. Quite frankly, I think slater was disgusted with it after awhile, which is ashame because he loved the car and was the one who got me interested in them. But when he was getting robbed, and jackstands put chuck and jeremy and everyone else first, he finally had enough and let me take over. There is no other side to this story. There are facts, and lies. If you knew me like most people do, you would know that to be the truth.

And yes I did build engines that JnJ has taken credit for. Just in this thread alone, the engines that chuck claims I got from jnj were actually my work. But I was refering specifically to the mustang engine I built that jnj bought and pulled the switch on because he couldnt get the guys engine done himself.

I wasnt building engines when this project started, otherwise it never would have gone into that black hole. I learned how to build engines out of neccessity, I couldnt get the help from jnj that he promised. Fortunately it worked out for me that I surpassed him during that time and have my own business now, but the ride was a bumpy one for sure. But if you read what I wrote, I finished slaters engine and got it in, because Im willing to deliver, be it for a customer or a friend.

Go ask angelo if he thinks jackstands isnt a hack. or try mondi. the trunk turbo camaro? I dont have the time to play that game, its too easy to find his fuckups, I wasnt even concerned about those in this thread. My concern here is about friendship and a dose of reality.


:lol: Rick :lol: :lol: :lol:


You know I’m right, now shutup and let the drama rage :rx3:


I see the blame has now shifted to me? I contributed just as much as you. But Ya know, know right…everyone… I am to blame for this messs. I am truley sorry. WTF.

Thousands of dollars? For parts. They do cost money and he has every part he paid for and then some. He never paid for labor and neither did you. You sure didn’t act like that when it was your engine that broke, but as soon as its doesn’t go your way, then it becomes “a speedshop” and a “business”. But what do I know. You try and make yourself sound right. I’m a lier now anyway, so what does it matter.

Why can’t you handle it like slater? He’s angry but he’s not throwing a temper tantrum? I bet he can even be rational. It was his car for christs sake.


You’re to blame for lying just now. He’s to blame for slater waiting 30 months. Stay with me, you’re trying to muddle it up.

Parts and labor. You cant bump up other prices and leave labor off of a bill just to use as an excuse for why you failed at the job. He made his money or he was an idiot. but there was plenty of overcharging, double charging, stealing parts and selling them without permission. Thats not the issue. But for you to stand here and say it wasnt supposed to be a business? Now thats a crock, because I seem to remember us driving around looking for properties, drawing up floor plans and looking into tax IDs. At which point, it became evident that “J&J Speed Shop” never existed in the first place. But his username is J&J Speed Shop not J&J Friends House. Pay attention.

This is not a temper tantrum, its a rational thrashing of an illogical and untrue position.

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yours was free, mine was costing good money. if you want more of the story, just know that i asked MANY times for a total, including labor, was always told to just refer to the parts list that mark had estimated. well that worked fine… until

  1. the PARTS COST of the build ended up at about 30% higher than expected. now i never saw a direct invoice for any of the individual things… i guess i had to trust the prices. i know shit happens, but 30% is a big underestimate. also it didn’t include parts on the original list…

  2. the build was delayed an unreal amount of times, due to nothing other than lazyness. having 3k of yours tied up for over a year, then another 2k tied up for another year isn’t really favorable when nothing was getting done. i don’t know if the parts were marked up, labor was added in, or what. and IF labor was being thrown in free, then god damn that few hours of labor spread out over 2 years is a pretty low rate per hour!!!

and the reason i used you as an example, is just to prove that people get mad when things don’t go their way, but when you get what you want, you’re happy and everything’s good… AND YOU DEFEND the person. so again - pretend you never got what he promised you. would you be buddy buddy then?

like mark said, he wasn’t an engine builder when my upgrade started. he knew how to take them out and put them back in. (more or less, lol). JnJ knew that mark was a novice, and i had absolutely no clue, but he treated me like shit anyway. do i doubt that he does careful quality work? nope… but in the past year, the ONLY thing i’ve heard from him has been… “YOU OWE $6xx.xx ON THIS INVOICE, WHEN WILL YOU PAY ME. I WILL BE TAKING YOU TO COURT”. yeah ok buddy. AND THAT is why he can fuck off, and so can anyone who defends him.

and to clarify - the reasons that i let it go on for so long like this were twofold… 1) it would be a huge hassle to try and switch gears in the middle of the build and go to someone completely different… and 2) i really doubted that he still had the money, and/or parts that the money was to be used for. it seemed to me that the best way out was to wait it out and hope the guy would come through…

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:64,topic:32197"”]

its funny you bring me into this.

ya, i got mad at jason. then i realized, in the heat of the moment, I WAS GETTING MAD THAT FREE WORK WASN’T GETTING DONE AS QUICKLY AS I WANTED IT TO.

YOU GUYS NEED TO LEARN THAT, WHEN SOMEONE IS DOING YOU A “FAVOR”, IT IS AROUND THEIR SCHEDULE, NOT* YOURS, IF THEY SHOULD SO PLEASE. i realized how childish and rediculous i was being. ya, i get pissed at jnj at times, the same way i get pissed at EVERYONE else. cry me a fucking river.

and as long as we are into this, jay takes his time and puts out quality work. ya, when he does work, whatever, i dont care. thats why shit he does isnt mysteriously broken down week by week. i cant believe the term hacking was used in his direction


Its was you double dipping in the pot. One minute he’s a friend with a hook up, next minute he’s an enemy with a vendetta. How many times did you get a piece of the action? From all these customers, some of which you have mentioned? i seem to remember you getting paid on number of occasions.
illogical exactly.


Ah by JD Sallinger, another good one!


i have to agree that Sallinger spoke to me more with that book. there was a harder message sent.

agreed ^^