yours was free, mine was costing good money. if you want more of the story, just know that i asked MANY times for a total, including labor, was always told to just refer to the parts list that mark had estimated. well that worked fine… until
the PARTS COST of the build ended up at about 30% higher than expected. now i never saw a direct invoice for any of the individual things… i guess i had to trust the prices. i know shit happens, but 30% is a big underestimate. also it didn’t include parts on the original list…
the build was delayed an unreal amount of times, due to nothing other than lazyness. having 3k of yours tied up for over a year, then another 2k tied up for another year isn’t really favorable when nothing was getting done. i don’t know if the parts were marked up, labor was added in, or what. and IF labor was being thrown in free, then god damn that few hours of labor spread out over 2 years is a pretty low rate per hour!!!
and the reason i used you as an example, is just to prove that people get mad when things don’t go their way, but when you get what you want, you’re happy and everything’s good… AND YOU DEFEND the person. so again - pretend you never got what he promised you. would you be buddy buddy then?
like mark said, he wasn’t an engine builder when my upgrade started. he knew how to take them out and put them back in. (more or less, lol). JnJ knew that mark was a novice, and i had absolutely no clue, but he treated me like shit anyway. do i doubt that he does careful quality work? nope… but in the past year, the ONLY thing i’ve heard from him has been… “YOU OWE $6xx.xx ON THIS INVOICE, WHEN WILL YOU PAY ME. I WILL BE TAKING YOU TO COURT”. yeah ok buddy. AND THAT is why he can fuck off, and so can anyone who defends him.
and to clarify - the reasons that i let it go on for so long like this were twofold… 1) it would be a huge hassle to try and switch gears in the middle of the build and go to someone completely different… and 2) i really doubted that he still had the money, and/or parts that the money was to be used for. it seemed to me that the best way out was to wait it out and hope the guy would come through…
[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:64,topic:32197"”]
its funny you bring me into this.
ya, i got mad at jason. then i realized, in the heat of the moment, I WAS GETTING MAD THAT FREE WORK WASN’T GETTING DONE AS QUICKLY AS I WANTED IT TO.
YOU GUYS NEED TO LEARN THAT, WHEN SOMEONE IS DOING YOU A “FAVOR”, IT IS AROUND THEIR SCHEDULE, NOT* YOURS, IF THEY SHOULD SO PLEASE. i realized how childish and rediculous i was being. ya, i get pissed at jnj at times, the same way i get pissed at EVERYONE else. cry me a fucking river.
and as long as we are into this, jay takes his time and puts out quality work. ya, when he does work, whatever, i dont care. thats why shit he does isnt mysteriously broken down week by week. i cant believe the term hacking was used in his direction