J&J vs. Firehawk853


shut up you boat sailing on land faggot :spunk:


You don’t have to back up your little gf im sure she can handle it her self :wink:

im making fun of you because you never take me out on the boat to cruz the thruways


Please explain how the forged 383 with AFR heads is bunked up or unfinished? The engine was fine when you started it and had excellent oil pressure. What was bunked up was the install. Fuel injectors installed wrong leaking fuel which I fixed. Oil pan or front cover leaking oil which I DIDN’T install. That would be your friend Mark who took care of that. Also when you brought the car to be tuned the header bolts were so loose and ticking so bad it was setting off the knock sensor. You picked up a complete long block at Chuck’s house minus tin and intake.

So if that is fucking you over then YES I FUCKED YOU OVER, and I have never claimed not be a dickhead at times. Also let me remind you that Badazz was suppose to help with the build because he wanted to be in on the 1LE 383 build. There were also 2 occasions were Mark put his own car/work in front of yours because, and I quote “Slater has a daily driver and I don’t.” “I am sick of my Mom driving me to work.”



The only problem that ever happened with the injectors are when you bought the wrong ones that dont have provisions for the LT1 clips to hold them in place. There arent any oil leaks from the covers, because I installed them and it got done right. Complete is the last thing I would call it when we picked it up.

Me not helping out? HAHA thats like saying your car has been out this decade. But the last person to cry about not having a car was when you blew up your honda engine with a leaf blower attached to it at chucks house, and I had to find you a new car to drive so you could get to your moms house and play shop.


You don’t have to back up your little gf im sure she can handle it her self :wink:


u really must be dumb my name is big b i would think that i would be a big gf not little! but hey what ever floats your BOAT

but anyways calm down man its just the internet im just fucking with ya!

and by boat he means pontiac firebird


i really have no right in this thread but i feel i need to add my 2 cents.i really dont know the bits and peices of the slater saga but i do know why i wouldnt goto jand j for parts. he give great prices to people and i have nothing bad to say about his character except hes lazy. his lazyness leaves a bad taste in his customers moulths. i know both 30thanniversaryss and slo84ta had an extreme wait on parts from u (not that it matter for slo84jackstands) but the automotive industry is built on word of moulth. i know that my boss makes good money because people come back to him because they trust him, because he gets the job done on time whatever the case is. you cant be slow in the buisness or u will be left behind. i have worked in every aspect of the buisness and know the ins and out. i know the reason people choose pm performance is because no one has anything bad to say about them. hell the company who repaired my cobalt when i wrecked are not getting any buisness from me again. not because of the quality of the job they did but because 73 days is excessive for repairs. especially when i would go in there and see parts all around it still in the box without the seal opened. they showed me they dont give a fuck about there customers. one of my other gripes is you need porfessional cutousy the way u take a cheap shot at pmp every chance u can and tell no one to go there makes u look like the jealous competitor. i think after your small claims court when all that settled you both should just forget about eachother and go on with your lives stop having these arguments and just end it. no one said u have to be friends but try to respect eachother and end the cheap shots and the bull shit.

^ agreed.

i just wanted the dumb bastard to admit he fucked me and say he’s sorry. but the ego gets in the way. so instead of just doing that, it dragged on and on to this. sure other people have had issues w/ him, but nothing like mine. so word of mouth kills chances for business. sucks but i can’t say it’s not deserved.

cliff notes on nitroinsanes post…I really don’t want to decode it…





i might as well buy a honda the fbody clan is dead an isnt regrouping

For the record mark did not have anything to do with my engine install. I borrowed the lift, and returned it within 2 days. He made no money off of it.


i might as well buy a honda the fbody clan is dead an isnt regrouping


yeah because drama is exclusive to f bodies…
Welcome to the world outside of your bedroom…


i might as well buy a honda the fbody clan is dead an isnt regrouping


well either way the group is not going to like u so maybe u should take the bus to mcdonalds


well either way group is not going to like u so maybe u should take the bus to mcdonalds


:rofl: :clap:


the human head weighs 8 pounds


Some heads weigh more than others!!


i really have no right in this thread but i feel i need to add my 2 cents.i really dont know the bits and peices of the slater saga but i do know why i wouldnt goto jand j for parts. he give great prices to people and i have nothing bad to say about his character except hes lazy. his lazyness leaves a bad taste in his customers moulths. i know both 30thanniversaryss and slo84ta had an extreme wait on parts from u (not that it matter for slo84jackstands) but the automotive industry is built on word of moulth. i know that my boss makes good money because people come back to him because they trust him, because he gets the job done on time whatever the case is. you cant be slow in the buisness or u will be left behind. i have worked in every aspect of the buisness and know the ins and out. i know the reason people choose pm performance is because no one has anything bad to say about them. hell the company who repaired my cobalt when i wrecked are not getting any buisness from me again. not because of the quality of the job they did but because 73 days is excessive for repairs. especially when i would go in there and see parts all around it still in the box without the seal opened. they showed me they dont give a fuck about there customers. one of my other gripes is you need porfessional cutousy the way u take a cheap shot at pmp every chance u can and tell no one to go there makes u look like the jealous competitor. i think after your small claims court when all that settled you both should just forget about eachother and go on with your lives stop having these arguments and just end it. no one said u have to be friends but try to respect eachother and end the cheap shots and the bull shit.


I copy and pasted that into MS word, and it put a big red squiggly underline across the entire paragraph. Shortly there after I ran a spelling and grammar check and my computer crashed.

Is this a virus?


I copy and pasted that into MS word, and it put a big red squiggly underline across the entire paragraph. Shortly there after I ran a spelling and grammar check and my computer crashed.

Is this a virus?


ill give u a std?


ill give u a std?


haha siqqqqQQQQQ


For the record mark did not have anything to do with my engine install. I borrowed the lift, and returned it within 2 days. He made no money off of it.


That is fine I honestly didn’t care who used it as long as it was respected and returned in the condition it left in. However when asshole comes up with a certified letter that I need to pickup my engine lift or it will be sold for the storage fee. When he is the one who took it from Chuck’s house and even borrowed it to you.


i really have no right in this thread but i feel i need to add my 2 cents.i really dont know the bits and peices of the slater saga but i do know why i wouldnt goto jand j for parts. he give great prices to people and i have nothing bad to say about his character except hes lazy. his lazyness leaves a bad taste in his customers moulths. i know both 30thanniversaryss and slo84ta had an extreme wait on parts from u (not that it matter for slo84jackstands) but the automotive industry is built on word of moulth. i know that my boss makes good money because people come back to him because they trust him, because he gets the job done on time whatever the case is. you cant be slow in the buisness or u will be left behind. i have worked in every aspect of the buisness and know the ins and out. i know the reason people choose pm performance is because no one has anything bad to say about them. hell the company who repaired my cobalt when i wrecked are not getting any buisness from me again. not because of the quality of the job they did but because 73 days is excessive for repairs. especially when i would go in there and see parts all around it still in the box without the seal opened. they showed me they dont give a fuck about there customers. one of my other gripes is you need porfessional cutousy the way u take a cheap shot at pmp every chance u can and tell no one to go there makes u look like the jealous competitor. i think after your small claims court when all that settled you both should just forget about eachother and go on with your lives stop having these arguments and just end it. no one said u have to be friends but try to respect eachother and end the cheap shots and the bull shit.


It is the dumb fucks like yourself that start the bandwagon shit. You are a stupid fuck plain and simple (If I am lazy). Don’t tell me about the industry. Your view is very small from installing Diehards at Sears. How many performance engines have you built? Combinations have you put together?

A) Bobby had an issue with his Jethot y-pipe. Once I was contacted about the issue I immediately called Jethot and ordered another Y pipe. I have no control over the operations at Jethot when stuff gets built, coated and shipped. Seeing as you know so much order a set of Headers in the middle, rush of the season. Sometimes they are in stock and takes 4-5 days and sometimes it takes 2-3 wks. Nothing I can control asshole, but you already knew that about the industry.

B) Jim (slow84ta) ordered a set of AFR heads. I think you could ask anyone who has purchased AFR heads that they take some time to get. Certainly not because AFR is lazy, but because they are one of the best cylinder heads in the industry and everyone wants them. AFR is backed up 365 days a year. Jim was informed of how long the head took before he ordered them. No one twisted his arm to purchase them and he got exactly what he ordered.