J&J vs. Firehawk853

ihavent worked at sears in 4 years shit dick. i gave my opinnion. if people order parts from you. you should order them! not sit around. last year when you had friends all the fbody guys would always bring up how long it takes you to order parts and do work. no one said your caliber of work isnt excellent and i never said it wasnt either. i dont build engine i stay away from things i cant do. like you u obviously cant run a buisness even out of ur moms garage so maybe u should stay away from that.



if people order parts from you. you should order them! not sit around.


Did you read the above paragraph, or would you like me to read it for you over the phone. I know it is hard to read with good grammar.

Okay we will do this real slow so you understand:
1 - People order parts from me
2 - I order parts from the manufacture
3 - Sometimes parts are not in stock and need to be built ( ie. AFR, JetHot, Kooks, SPEC, etc )
4 - I wait for parts
5 - Customers in turn wait for parts

eh JnJ is a good guy. I think I bought some misc crap from him back in the day.

Sadness in the Fbody crew makes me :cry:

what the fuck is an fbod?

just kidding.

there is way too much v8 in this thread for me. :eject:

[quote=“BaD AZz Z/28,post:82,topic:32197"”]

I was double dipping? Haha thats funny. I got paid exactly one time, for $50. It was supposed to be $100 from jay plus a tip from the customer, because I ran around transporting the guys parts as a favor. However, JnJ only left $50 for me at your house and claimed he gave back the tip. Now if I was paid illegally, I’ll be sure to let the IRS know of the illegal company providing the wage.


Hey stupid if you are talking about the Mondi rearend. I personally sold mondi a used rearend from my personal car. Nothing involved with my business. You and Chuck agreed to install the rearend for Mr. Mondi. So if Joe Mondi paid you and Chuck illegally I think you should take it upon yourself to turn yourself into the IRS

Since there is a pile going, I’ll add my internet speak…

I tried to meet up with J&J (JnJSpeedShop back then) once, roughly three years ago. I was simply looking for a couple fox body parts. I drove up & down Clinton (IIRC), looking for the address, but i couldn’t find a shop.
Later I was given a half assed response to a PM in regards to my question of “Do you really work out of your parents garage?”
I ended up picking up the part online, because Hybrid Connection wasn’t dealing in the arena at the time.

I’ve been to Paul & Mark’s registered shop on two occasions and it is definitely a nice setup.
Last time I was there, there were seven or eight cars in the shop - two of which were their personal cars. Two were on lifts being worked under, one was waiting for parts, and Paul & Mark’s cars were “waiting on customer cars”. This… was roughly 9:30 @ night.

…and, I’ve met FormulaLS1 once or twice, I still don’t see the Sherminator in him. :gotme:


…and, I’ve met FormulaLS1 once or twice, I still don’t see the Sherminator in him. :gotme:




…and, I’ve met FormulaLS1 once or twice, I still don’t see the Sherminator in him. :gotme:


That’s because there are two of them. One lives in teh intraweb and the other lives in real life. :rx3:


Who are you? lol

this thread blows. J&J blows.




shook your hand at the brewpub (i think) once.

I think that I bought a network switch from you a year or so ago. At least, i think that was you.



Who are you? lol




far too logical for this thread.


shook your hand at the brewpub (i think) once.

I think that I bought a network switch from you a year or so ago. At least, i think that was you.



Ah ok