Jackass 2

Opens today anyone else goin to see it ?

not today, but soon

i hope. probably going to waterfront if I go.

i’m thinking of going tomorrow night

My hubby couldn’t wait till this was relased. He doesn’t “go” to the movies…hates the crowds…the only movie we’ve ever been together in the past 5 years was the first Jackass movie…:ugh: Guess I’ll be going to this one too :scared: As long as nobody snorts wasabi and pukes on their plate I’ll be good LOL :cool:

I went and laughed so hard i was almost cryin friggin hillarious

i just left the theater. it was the funniest movie ever. the 1st 5 minutes will have you pissin your pants. puppet show.

had its funny moments but overall a 4/10

[just not my type of humor]

fucking hilarous


man your breath smells like shit!!! that all i can say :puke:

how about the horse c*m? that was the sickest thing i ever seen. or the ass bong? it was great. totally stupid, but great.

:stupid:…that it fock’n hilarous :rofl:

funniest movie ive ever seen

Don’t forget the leech.

^ oh god that was sick.

i saw it on saturday night and laughed my ass off!!! the terrorist/pube scene was great.


^ don’t forget the crabs

Funny for sure…but more disgusting than anything. Knoxville is a fucking lunatic.

dont forget the mercy on pontius’s weiner getting bitten off.

1st one was better, 7/10