Be you angels? WE SAID NAY! We are but men ROCK

fuck yeah.

oooooooooooooooooooooooo onnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ah ahhhhhhaaahhhhhhhho on woah oh woah alright, this is not the greatest song in the worl no, this is just tribute.

ugh i can’t wait for the movie to come out…

i also heard my first commercial for the new jackass movie too…i think it comes out sept 22nd…the first jackass i saw opening night, and it was the only time i was in a theatre completely full…and everybody in there was laughing very regularly…

most likely the greatest movie ever made

13 oscar sweep? I think so

looks fucking stupid.

So does code red mountain dew.

ehh only if its on white dress shirts.

so it blowing 3 headgaskets in a row.

im going to have to use my free rental coupon, when this comes out on dvd in less than a couple months.

these recent jack black movies are pretty crappy

Not nearly as much as :snkyghey: “unforseen events”


Sidenote - It was only 2 and that was because the block was warped via by old guy.
no snkyghey.

better than beating a car with no tune :bloated:

better than taking out a loan to mod your car you probably have a loan on while you live with your parents still.

that you then blow up.


^wow this thread turned around, on topic for me:

looks kinda dumb-funny. i love tenacious D, and jack black is normally pretty funny.

still better then delivering pizzas for a living.

*edit * yarly /edit

Not living at home > Living at home

Hey baby.
Want to come back to my place?
My parents should be asleep by now.


get off my nuts. seriously.

man this thread went off topic fast.

i can’t fuckin wait to see this movie.

i’m just as excited to see this as i was to see snakes on a plane.
