Jam Got A New Job


at least he’s got some experience … Jam used to work for me as my personal ball washer


Did he suck at that job too…?



Did he suck at that job too…?



:funny: oh did he ever!

^ :lol:

The only way I could keep a 6am job for even a week would be to stay up all night and sleep in the evenings. Fuck that early morning shit!

depends on how much hes getting paid. I say he mans up and pulls through, then saves the alcoholism for early afternoons during the week (right after work) and weekend nights.

that place is actually pretty cool. i’ve been in there. one of the engineers there taught one of my drafting classes.

<< jam

for all who are concerned, i got this job to clean up some debt i have and get project supa fly bimmer underway (finally)

i also get extremely bored during the days mon-fri so this will make me enjoy my weekends off even more (cause i’ll actually have money to go places and shit, not just sit at a bar and drink)

i should be able to keep my drinking only to the weeknds, its not like i ever had a drinking problem, more like a lack of better things to do problem. thats also where the coke habit sprouted from (kidding te he he)

so ya, wish me luck. this’ll last until i got back to school one of these days

what kind of job is this?


nut poliher


<< jam

for all who are concerned, i got this job to clean up some debt i have and get project supa fly bimmer underway (finally)

i also get extremely bored during the days mon-fri so this will make me enjoy my weekends off even more (cause i’ll actually have money to go places and shit, not just sit at a bar and drink)

i should be able to keep my drinking only to the weeknds, its not like i ever had a drinking problem, more like a lack of better things to do problem. thats also where the coke habit sprouted from (kidding te he he)

so ya, wish me luck. this’ll last until i got back to school one of these days


what the fuck is stopping you? Man, I ‘took a year’ off after h.s. but that turned into 2 years and I finally got scared into going back because of the lowlifes at my job.

theres no point in waiting AT ALL, just go back, even if your not sure about what you want to take, take gen-eds and don’t let your brain turn to mush.

I’m sure you’ve heard from many people how hard it is to get re-motivated for school…

I know what jams new job is.

Blowing people. At the morgue.


you should really stop polishing nuts and go back to school. labby worked there for a day. he said it was brutal and he hated it. why don’t you work at derek? mike, adam, or newman i’m sure could get you in there.


depends on how much hes getting paid. I say he mans up and pulls through, then saves the alcoholism for early afternoons during the week (right after work) and weekend nights.

that place is actually pretty cool. i’ve been in there. one of the engineers there taught one of my drafting classes.


was the enginners name scott hunter?

Jam good luck buddy, now you will have more money to sit in a bar and drink :slight_smile:


word. how’s it going there? my room mate only lasted a day there.


He was supposed to start this morning…but in the state he was in last night I have my doubts…

Already bowed out?

I have faith in you Jam! Don’t let me down!

6:30 am eck quit