James Blunt - You're Beautiful

the song is so ghey and yet and I can’t get it out of my head. ARGH.

that song is ~OK~, for chicks( my wife likes it ) but should this be in life style?

hate that song…the guy is a stalker… and when he swears in the song…it totally kills the whole “this is a cute love song.”. lol

yeah i dunno…the way he says “youre beautiful” just seems a lil off key for me…lol

don’t listen to the radio. problem solved.

i dont even know what song your talking about right now…

you’re lucky for now. but this is one of those songs that transcends barriers - kinda like “who let the dogs out” ,“heeeeeeeeeey MACARENA”, “whoomp there it is”, “I will always love you” by Whitney Houston and that “Near, Far, Where ever you are” Celine Dion Titanic song.

I assure you, by the end of spring, the whole world will be singing this song.

I don’t even like pop music and I’ve heard it. :tdown:

the dude sounds like he has his nuts in a vice.

:biglaugh: lol


What in the hell is it with this song being played every 30 minutes too. Seriously it was “okay” the first time, after that it got old fast.

EDIT: +2 for Nuts in vice comment, just seems almost stalkeresque. lol

stern always plays it on his show in the background on sirius when something gay is going on


He kills himself at the end of the video, does this mean we won’t have to watch any more shit from him?

If I was ever thinking some this ghey, I would never post it on here.

it was disturbing. I woke up with this song stuck in my head. I think I must have been dreaming about the song.


Anyone else besides me think that James Blunt character sounds exactly like Rod Stewart? When I initially heard the song, I thought Rod Stewart was making a comeback and slapped my radio. Then I learned it was this Blunt chap, and I slapped my radio again.