What song can't you stand right now?

I seem to hear that fucking Alcohol song anytime I am get in my car.

I want to punch Miley Cyrus.

blame it on the a a a a a alcohol

bop bop bop poke her face bop bop poke her face. om nom nom nom.
Or at least that’s what it sounds like. This lady gaga broad is getting blown up for being a nasty nympho.

anything played on kiss 98.5


the ants go marching. dont ask. its stuck in my head and i cant seem to get it out. i tend to whistle it a lot

also black eyed peas, boom boom, way to fucking over played

oh, yambag.

lady gaga… horrible.

thank god i listen to am radio in the car…

I friggen love that song…

I Love College… :suicide:

going to agree that the alcohol song is definitely also over played, radio stations need to get a wider variety of music. the same 10 songs every hour is getting to be to much.

+1 on that stupid Black eyed Peas song… it’s horrible! A lot of crap on the radio is why I listen to my iPod…

wish i could use my ipod, i had the ipod adapter in my malibu, got my 6s with the bose system, they have a ipod kit for the bose, but not for my year car, go figure. I wish i new someone that could change everything out of my car so it was a non blows system. but its going to be a few hundred $ to do this through some local car audio place.

boom boom POW

:suicide: :suicide: :suicide: :suicide: :suicide: :suicide: :suicide: :suicide: :suicide:

thats funny b/c b4 i opened this by the title of your thread this is the song i was thinking of lol

and I love College and lady gaga are awesome wtf guys

Laid by James, anything by the band Live, and anything by Queen or Meatloaf. But those are my tops. Not new songs, but annoying me for years…

And Miley Cirus must die.

But in general most new music sucks. Sounds like a bunch of crying with decent guitarwork in the background.




^Fuggin right!