"You're Beautiful" = Banstick


I couldn’t help but chuckle that a radio station would go so far as to do that. :lol:

i always thought rod stewart sung that song

:tup: to the right choice.

That song SUCKS. And That guy is a talentless hack IMO.

I can only hope they do the same here…

Good…he sucks balls.

Like my sister’s husband said, “You’re Beautiful” is every Fat, Depressed girl’s Myspace song. I’m so sick of hearing it too. That song, and S.O.S. by Rihanna, and “Where’d you go” by whoever it’s by. Those songs get played WAY too much down here.

Its not just down there, its EVERYWHERE. :bloated: Its all they ever played when i was in maryland recently as well. I liked the fort minor tune, but that got old fast too.

All I gotta say is Sirius Satelite Radio FTW :tup:

ugh they play it like 438957438587364543 times a day at work on 102

“I don’t know this James Blunt, I don’t know what he does…”

I do know that he sucks a lot.

free press ftw

idk, i kinda like that song. its super catchy.

“where did ya come from, where did ya go? where did ya come from, cotton eye joe?”

Hehe yeah, all I have to say is thank god for Sirius Satellite Radio :tup: But that one song that has the girl singing, “Where’d you go, I miss you so, seems like it’s been forever since you’ve been gone”. I liked it too in the beginning because it has a good beat but now they play it at least twice an hour maybe more.