JAPAN? been there?

so long story short a couple friends and I are trying to plan next Thanksgiving’s vacation.

I suggested Japan and its really catching on.

so whos been there? where did you go? what should we see? what is the MUST visit site?


A good friend of mine from back home actually lived there for a semester or two for college. He said he loved it and it’s something everybody should see sometime in their life. If I can get ahold of him I will try to find more info for you.

newman has been there

i think newman likes me like crabs like ghonneria?sp?

I was there. I didn’t care for it much. You can’t fake your way through that language like you can through countries in Europe.

ive always wanted to do an all inclusive kinda thing to tokyo, its hard to research and find prices though

Hasn’t Micah been there too?

fuck that, go back to amsterdam!!!

Take me? :slight_smile: