Pictures from Japan

I went to Japan in December for three weeks, I figured everyone here would probably like 'em so… here they are my pictures from Japan this year when I went. All these car’s were just mostly parked around the area I was staying within a square kilometer of each other, found while I was walking our dogs in Japan, Aichi Prefecture (About a 30 minute drive away from Nagoya). When I was there I realized VERY quickly that EVERYONE drives sweet, clean cars. No lime green - brown, rice bullshit. It was epic. Can’t wait til I move there in 1-2 years.

nice pics! I guess you only like white, grey and black cars and not lime green or brown. :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha, I can appreciate a well done car… I’ll put it that way. Most of those colored cars around here definitely ain’t something to look at.

lol the white 180 has the exact same rims that are on my s13

love dang jdms.

ps: how far is your place from mt. akina lol

About 6 hours? If you drive the 80km/h speed limit on the highway… which isn’t likely for me. So maybe 3-4 hours wangan style. It’s also not called Mt Akina in Japan… it’s called Mt Haruna and it’s FULL of speed bumps now because of Initial D… lmao.

Akagi-san (Mt Akagi) is about the same distance as well. Since they are fairly close to each other in the Gunma prefecture. :stuck_out_tongue:

Even the hondas look good :open_mouth:

you had to ask lmao
there are much better roads to drive now that dont have speed bumps
im sure once u get there and into the scene u wont have a hard time finding these places

ps: love the pics

Most people in Japan don’t drift in the mountains anymore (I’m sure some still do, but its far less popular now then the 90’s)…as far as I know, a lot of them do it near the harbours/wharf’s now. Lots of noise complaints coming from mountain roads, as I’m sure most of you here know how fucking loud that shit is… and it’s pretty heat bag in Japan… everyone knows what drifting is… and people live near/on all the mountains so…

As for finding roads without speed bumps… Japan is FULL of mountains, completely surrounded by them. It’s VERY easy to just drive up ANY mountain pass and have fun. They are intense, I drove on a few of them when I was there. VERY windy, VERY steep, VERY narrow and have HUGE gutters on the side just like you’ve probably seen somewhere.

Awesome pictures dude.

Thanks dude, glad you like 'em.

i wish you saw shit like that here. instead every other car you see is stock with a muffler and euro tails.

nice pics. you got any pics of these mountain roads? i m a huge fan of seeing how roads are in other countries, i dunno y.

You should be a huge fan of Japan’s roads. They have no cracks/potholes -VERY- rare if you do see one. It’s pretty much brand new pavement where ever you go, highway, mountain pass… or their tiny ass streets. I’ll look through my pictures and see if I have pictures of the mountain roads lol.

Edit: Just checked pictures, I only have views from the top of the mountains… kinda tourist-y but meh. Crazy view though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice pics man. Any places you’d recommend visiting in Nagoya? And how much was your trip all together? (if you don’t mind me asking). I’m planning on heading there this winter.

I went from December 7th til December 30th, it cost me $1100 for round trip flight. I didn’t have to pay for a hotel as my girlfriend is from Japan so we stay at her house when we are there. I wasn’t much of a tourist when I went, visited a shrine, some mountains… but mostly I just ate lots of food, drank lots of alcohol and sung some karaoke, clubbing and relaxing lol. We also hung out with my gf’s friends quite a bit because she is a student in Canada atm and she misses all her friends at home a lot so… yeah… understandable.

My goal while I was in Japan… was to try and NOT be a tourist… Everything we did mostly was regular life stuff… including taking out the dogs, cleaning… and cooking… grocery shopping… lol.

If you go you’ll love it, it’s got a completely different feel than Canada… people seem less stressed out and anxious and much more calm and polite. Will you have someone with you that speaks Japanese… or know Japanese yourself?

a ri ga toe go zai mas. BBa ga ya ro lol lol lol

arigatou* bakayarou*


Douitashimashite doaho

I’m so jealous…lol

Azumino or something? That’s the country in Japan lol. That’s why people aren’t jumping in front of trains.