Japan hit by massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake

Again no expert, but I haven’t heard any more information on this yet(haven’t watched the news since noon today)

I will say that IF they had a rapid drop of internal pressure inside #2 and they DIDN’T initiate a steam release, that’s NOT good. Rapid pressure drops in this type of scenario mean either purposeful or unexpected venting. If the temp spiked in #2 to cause a steam explosion this morning there’s no way they got the temps down in less than 24hrs.

I will be the first to eat my words about no external rupture if it comes to it, but this is NOT looking good right now. This type of scenario is normally not a proiblem at first, but the continually compounding issues that keep getting int the way are making this so much more difficult.

If they have truly pulled everyone out it’s not a good sign. Flooding the facilities with seawater and basalts to surround the CV’s is the only realistic solution at this point. The problem is I don’t know the layout of those BWR’s inside the buildings and how far into the ground the reactor carries. The farther up out of the ground they are, the more difficult it’s going to be to surround the entire CV…

Even my dad was having his doubts today and he’s been watching this more than I have since it happened and knows more about it that I do.

Whatever happens, were are going to feel this separate nuclear issue in our country without question, and in more ways that one can comprehend.:‘(:’(:‘(:’(:(:(:(:frowning:

I gotta add this though that came to thought…surrounding the reactor CV’s will not stop nor prevent a meltdown, but only give the CV the absolute last fighting chance against a rupture due to melting. And me mentioning shutting down #4…the main moderator/coolant pumps are MASSIVE. these things move in the range of 28,000lb of water and hour. nutty. They require big power to run and when they shut down a reactor to service or refuel the pumps must run for days to cool them down to serviceable temps, and those pump run off the other reactors and the power grid…I don’t think I need to carry on about why that’s a problem there…