Japan hit by massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake

lol, but I wouldn’t go as far as to say that. chuck norris is the man :lol

i dunno. I know a little about this stuff from my dad from when he worked at GE, was laid off during the strikes and worked at Knolls, then returned to GE. Plus a few friends he had at Knolls, plus retired military friends and family in the nuke field(FIL was a nuke on a particular sub for a long time). I love this shit

They will get this under control no doubt. The issue is as stated in the video, them getting water INTO the pv to cool it. Flooding the site simply keeps the cv from overheating and melting down if it ever got that far. Being a BWR type reactor(no internal closed loop cooling system/steam generator) there’s a better possibility to tap into the moderator/feed water supply which is used to both cool the reactor and slow down the netrons simultaneously.