Japan hit by massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake

os glad your family is ok

There are “clubs” that they go to and hang out at all day if they are in between jobs. There are also mirrors on the other side of subway platforms. At least these are stories I have heard as well.

Rollin deep with your crew, ya buddy


In all the diagrams of these reactors, I don’t see the actual power generation part. Is that located in another building?

I really hope the dropping of seawater is much more effective than it looks on the video.

I think it would be much more effective at a lower altitude but unfortunately without seriously risking the pilots/crew they have been giving an altitude to stick too.

IIRC yes…

When steam is let off from the reactor, it goes through pipes im assuming to a generator seperate from the reactor, then is condensed and returned.

I saw 2-3 Diagrams that showed the power generators but how far they are from the actual reactor im not sure.

From what I’ve always gathered, it’s really just a massive steam engine. The heated water powers turbines. I could be completely off.

Sea water has a higher boiling temperature doesn’t it?

its fucking Japan, why dont they send in robots to spray water on that shit?

Yes but its not much iirc, maybe just a few degrees.

That difference seems pretty minute when your talking about what did wayne say? Around 500 spent rods cooking at over 1,000* if not more a piece

and we’re the USA and should just be dropping water filled MOAB’s on the reactors to put them out. Go big or go the fuck home :haha

Yeah I guess when your talking temperatures by that much. :stuck_out_tongue:

because they got wiped out by a tsunami and the robots are sunk in the ocean

liquid nitrogen bomb dropped via predator drone FTW.

actually the japanese robots aren’t built to withstand radiation…


The US is urging Private Americans in Japan to leave the country and is providing charters/flights out of Japan. One of the towns there doing this for is Nagoya which is where my friend Dave lives. They fear that if there is any more severe radiation leaks from the plant that the winds could carry it south.

I know my friend Dave won’t leave but wish he would just in case

Watching the videos of them pour/spray water on the reactors/spent fuel pool it seriously seems like there squirting a super soaker into a volcano :frowning:

At this point they are just throwing everything they have and the kitchen sink and just see what sticks.

anyone see the video of the reactors from the helicopter up close?!?!?!


Every shitty ass business plans for disasters but since it cost money to plan for the unexpected, IE not being utilized at the moment… it seems like pissing money away uselessly. Therefore the emergency and disaster preparation and planing is usually halfassed and under budgeted. Or worse CEO’s know they wont live for ever and say FUCK it, money in my pocket, fuck my kids, and their kids, and their kids I wont be around.

Building a shelter around the generators, with a ducted fresh air supply and exhaust system. Think 4wd snorkel kits for the intake and same for the exhaust… running out of the water tight housing 60 feet in the air with a J bend so rain doesn’t get forced in. or something to that nature. Think about heat suppression inside there and work that out.

Nahh fuck it that costs too much put a CATc175 on a concrete pad a few hundred feet away and call it a day that’s cheaper and might work.

Real life lesson, H0TWheels knows about too. Backup generator is on site. Hasnt had to be used thankfully for the company yet. One day they got the bright idea to take a look at it. IRC it had NO OIL or something to that effect! lol, Who would have thought about periodic testing and maintenance right?