Jason Lee

God he’s awesome. He’s on Conan right now (even though it’s a repeat.) I think I want to marry him. And his mustache.

Discuss his awesomeness. Or… just tell me to shut up.

And him and Conan just tried break dancing.

I’ll marry Conan too.

STFU Dawn… You’re getting dumber the further you get from jailbait glory… :wink:

maybe he’ll send you a snapshot of his dick

Jason Lee is pretty damn cool. I miss him in his prime skateboarding and doing Kevin Smith films.



Jason Lee does rule, I wore his sneakers when i was in High school. He has been around a very very long time.

jason lee is the man :tup: mallrats is the best movie ever

“would you like a chocolate covered pretzel?”

“You know how long it takes for that smell to come off? Scrub all you want, it’ll stick around for at least two days. How does he explain it to his colleagues and family? They’ll think he doesn’t know how to wipe his ass properly”

ahaha well played sir

Dude that movie was great. If you ever watch that movie with the commentary on you will laugh your ass off even harder. Its pretty much everyone from the movie ripping on Ben Affleck starring in Phantoms. Ben said he was reppin his sci fi peeps.

Oh… I thought you were talking about Jay Lee, the martial art expert.

he was a skateboarder?


yeah dude, he had his own airwalks.

Rob, were you also a skateboarder? Wanna go snowboarding?

no i was not but i liked the shoes LOL and no i do not want to go snowboarding. I have terrible balance and would die.

rob lets talk about going snowboarding on msn, lemme know when you sign on we can chat

i didnt even realize i wasnt online