JayJay's S4 spotted?

Over the past week, I’ve seen it on more than one occasion at a Mobil on Rt7. The one by the Bellevue hospital, that has a garage attachment.

I’ve seen the infamous 600 bazillion whp car on the lift. The rear bumper was the same, color is the same, spoiler but I’m not sure on the other parts.

Could it be? It’s still around?

Anybody heard from him/of him lately?

I’ve not seen him, nor have i heard from him in a LONG time. I used to see him n the mornings near my work, cuz he was dropping somebody off. not anymore tho. ive still got his number, maybe i can give him a buzz.

What I’m pondering on, is there can’t be that many silver “S4”'s with that kind of rear bumper/wing/color combo. :ponder

agreed, seems logical that it would be his.

He went underground after the infamous thread in which he was bashed to a brazen pulp.

who is this jayjay character

i’ll just say … he’d like the cp thread:excited

ive seen it sitting there too, the little hoopty mobil service station, left side as youre heading towards latham

Yeh it’s deff the car, I’ve seen it a bunch of times at that mobil

A tard with a backwards hat and a silver Audi.

Omg…hes still alive?? What a toucher

My brother used to fuck with him alot

hope he wore a rubber.

Mr. Vlad, you are correct. That is indeed JayJay’s car.

its around. last i talked to him the tranny was just rebuilt. he works at gamestop in latham farms


Funny, I see this thread…Saw the car on Route 9 in Latham earlier today :rofl

ive seen it there too. just didnt say any thing cuz i didnt kno for sure

yes hes still around, i still get phone calls from him about once a month. yes that is his car sitting on rt7

thaught he was a stock broker??