JayS, AWD, Political Crew: Why do we cap SS tax?

Sure, best of luck, absolutely!


I’m saying that you make the case that “something might happen, so people shouldn’t be held responsible to planning for themselves if something actually happens”, and I think that is ridiculous.

but it’s true that despite planning, things happen in life… so what then? you can’t really throw old people on the street because that creates a problem that costs as much as helping them in the first place. at least with social security chances are they’ve paid in at some point.

Okay, let me ask this since you’re so very concerned about the elderly: What do you intend to do about health care? The single largest financial problem that the elderly face… regardless of asset class.

Old people don’t last long on the street so it might be cheaper to do that in the long run.


I can lol, because my 92 yr old godmother has minimal active income, but lives almost better then I do.


I’m not claiming to have all the answers. I’m mostly just trying to get across the point that social security works (even if poorly) and I haven’t heard of a better solution that’s realistic. you also can’t just say get rid of it with no plan.

x2 there are too many people arguing that don’t actually know the law and how the system works or doesn’t.

You have two sides that see the world differently, some people see laziness other see how the system have failed them. Some see gov’t job is to be a saftey net other see gov’t simply taking thier hard earned cash.

The system is not perfect, but then again niether is man. If I have to help keep one leech from getting a job so that I can save a widowed family from being homeless then thats the price I’m willing to pay. If your not willing to pay for it then move.

I don’t see anyone here as unwilling…

Unless AWDrifter’s business address is in the Caymans :shrug: