jeeves vs. firehawk853

Yeah you’re right, jeeves could have beaten chuck,which I have said and anything is possible. My biggest issue was the fact that race details were left out, which to me makes the story sketchy. Also given the fact that jeeves beat the man on top, you would think that he woulda been like Jeeves > firehawk853 40-140 1 car. some kind of explanation. If I beat the top guy and I didn’t care about being snky, I would post the race details cause why not? anyway…Doesn’t matter to me whos on top one way or the other, I gave up on that game years ago.

I know a lot of people on the board and lets just say that i’m not “uneducated” when it comes to peoples cars.

I own a Honda, but dont consider myself a honda boi at all. Far from it, but i figured I would expand my automotive experience and drive different cars and not the same type of car all the time. Anyone that knows me, knows that I like all cars…and lets not forget I had a vette last year…

I know Chuck personally (not just online), he is a good guy and I don’t disagree with you there.

So in the end, whatever. Maybe it’s just a lesson to be learned about how to post something. If you post a race, be prepared to explain the details or dont post it at all. the point of the chain is not to be snky, but to let everyone know where they stand. One good that came out of this thread is the large number of races that will result from it :tup: so maybe the chain does work.:gotme:

My point wasn’t really directed towards you. I just thought what you said above was ironic and used it because people are assuming what jeeves has. My comments were toward the people who don’t believe he won. The ones who think this is a plot to get him to the top. It just shows there are a lot of fast cars out there, you can never be sure of what other people have.

I have no problem with asking the details of the run, that should be posted!

Rule #1

Which is why you post the results of a race in the Kill Stories and get pissed when people talk on an intarweb forum and argue about a comparison thread.


wow, this thread made me want to end myself. All this drama over one race? However I do agree on video being needed to move up to the top spot. O and choda i’m almost ready for you should be about a week now. The cars running like a beast, just needed some work done first to help traction issues :slight_smile:

This is worse than pinks…

hmm… after some reading… i realize just how fucking stupid most of you are.

Just cause Jeeves beat chuck doesn’t make him the king…
> Chuck… yes
> Everyone else in the jpg ? No.

BBC Nova boy says he is done street racing… oh, everytime he opens his mouth.
BLKUUS6 walked the EVO pretty good which is more than I can say for your lil hero Choda… who traps 2mph lower than Chuck.

There are also a couple other cars on this forum who will most likely walk everyone on the list but they haven’t raced anyone on the list yet. I don’t blame them. They have enough sack riders… (cough, Lil’Palms, cough)

And why aren’t any of these fuckin dumestiks racing from a dig? Or racing at the track?

:tup: i havent heard of this car racing in 2 years, make it interesting…race addicted2boost or onyx or some other fast cars to scare choda a bit first :stuck_out_tongue:

your an idiot.

u have no idea

this is sooo sweet

the only person that got riled up was you. Hate to break it to you but all you made me do was laugh at you for crying so much. Make sure you can actually drive your car this time. Spinning the tires, bouncing off the rev limiter, and misshifting arent excuses. You fuck up and its costs you the race, thats your problem.

ummmm…what races? The only race is GSX called me out on his bike.

why dont you go back and read where i said i never made this thread. I made a post in the greater then thread and chuck agreed. Then all the drama queens started crying so a mod cut all of it out into this thread.

jeeves when will u be out. I have a work party fri, grad party sat, and helping my brother move sun.

what night will you deff be out.

i’ll catch you on AIM, trying to keep this on the DL, i dont want 50 cars following around when this happens

snky snky snky!!!