tonight at hal’s in north hills
time 730pm
feel free to join everyone there
check out the menu
tonight at hal’s in north hills
time 730pm
feel free to join everyone there
check out the menu
w00t! in
If I get out of class early I will be down…
Sorry I can’t make it, dinner for proposing to the meatpie.
Bah, too short notice, but I’ll definitely drop off a case of beer some day soon.
that can be dropped at my place of residence at any time. kthx
if i had a ride i’ld come out jeff :hs:
dont u have enough at ur place already chad
nope. i have alot of liquor, but down to probably a 12 pack of beer
i better get a case or 2 to stock up
liquor is just a good tho if not better …
All the cool kids will be there.
too short notice
in and adam too
in adam?
I’ll be there
if i knew jeff then i would have been there
sorry about short notice just kinda last minute thing
thanks for everyone that did come.
Hal’s was a great place will be going there again.