Jeff's Cobra is in Car Craft

So I was reading the November issue of Car Craft at the gym today and in the Horsepower! section Jeff’s (Eatonyoualive) compound boosted Cobra is shown and detailed.

Funny how nobody mentioned this (or did I miss it?).

u missed it jellies . we were discussin it in l/g ma man

Mustve been when I was at dinner or something then.

nope . i was there amd i didnt get there untill after u man . christ it was when he was there lolol

thats pretty bad ass… congrats to him.

Yea they did an article with out Jeff even knowing


yeah John Urist from Hellion gave them all the info. they randomly called me to ask me a few questions to finish the article tho. It kinda caught me off guard lol

Hel yea man someone was fucking showing it to me… wait I think it was you Jeff… anyway congrats!!! shits badass!!!

Thats awsome man

shits sick congrats ya fuckin lumberjack, too bad its a ford

i sent you a picture of the article last week, the day i got the mag in the mail.

yea thats who it was!!! rofl sorry Brett.

congrats heffaypoo

thanks richherrd

You handsome bitch


whaooo wahooo whats goinzz on up in hearzzzz

Jeffy is being the handsome lumber jack he is

ahhhhhh ok , id hit it off also then