jellies and slowgto gettin loud .


Silveradoman why dont u run my busa?

Pjb yeah u should def go to the track…id love to tun into u


Id love to run over you with my truck you worthless piece of shit.

Lol ur momma help u come up with that? Or do u not let her in ur room at HER house

wow, real tough guy. What the fuck does that have to do with who I live with anyway?

Lol did u really say u wanna run me over with a truck? Thats tough lol… Atleast if i was gonna say some dumb shit like i woulda said ill beat ur ass not oh im too much of a pussy do hey ill run u over hahahahahahaha…

How does it feel the one thing u have in ur life is a piece of shit truck… Everything else u fall back on momma… She prolly owns it too

well youre always saying dumb shit like youre gonna kick my ass and all so why not?

My mom doesnt own my truck. Me and the bank do and its half paid for, all with my own money. Yeah I live with my parents but they dont give me money or vehicles, never have, never will.

Lol I’ll plus rep when I’m on a computer

Mods, can we get a split?

Lol i dont have to fight u… I know u would have no prayer… I dont have to race u… U would have no prayer… U have nothing on me and ur a piece of wasted life sucking off your parents at 30…if u think u remotely bother me your wrong… Your humor to me like when i look in the toilet after i shit…

I have forwarded so much shit u have said in past few months that i dont need to think of kicking ur ass… U got way more people at track pissed off then me… If they find who u are then im very sorry lol

From racing to fighting in under 30 posts-only on Shift!

pjb stop being a derp

Jessuusss sttooppppppp.

Don’t bring him into this…

Lol im done i said what i gotta… Other then that he will be seen around

wtf did I miss? lol

That led up to this ofcourse.

tazer thread

oh shit Hulk Hogan is back

Seriously youre a tool. E-thug for life I suppose.

Kinda pathetic really when the only thing youve got on me is who I live with.

Oh ok gotcha…:pop

well this was from the racing thread where he ‘hopes he runs into’ me like he scares me or something

Paul, Greg is actually a really good dude, Idk what happened on here tho. Oh and he’d beat you, just a word to the wise lol :hug