yes, they were quite flukey. flukey to the tune of a 12.3@111 cutting consistant 1.7’s all night… theres a big difference between needing a driver mod and needing a tune that wasnt botched to fuck (which btw was fixed prior to my last few runs which were ALL in the mid to low 12’s)… as im sure others in this thread can attest to in their own vehicles. but, i mean, what do i know? cliff you are a keyboard warrior, you run your fat fuckin mouth about anything and everyone any chance you get and knock people and their cars when the only shit ive ever seen you drive i wouldnt trade a box of cereal and a 1/2 a dog turd for. keep spouting your jibberish garbage in an attmpt to make yourself feel better about not seeing your 1/2 inch pecker since kindergarten.
best regards