Jersey Shore Ep#6 Update Thread

Id bang sammi but maker her wear shoes so i dont see said flinstone toe.

update: never tell women that she has fred flinstone toe… worst thing you can say to a girl

Or, put a condom on the toe.

This show is…extremely “special”.
And a complete waste of time.
I’m going to go back to watching :lol


I wanna see Ronnie break some faces!!!

update: creep mode ACTIVATED!

Hippo wrestling coming up

Me too, but I think he gets socked pretty good in the face and it needs ice and shit, from what I recall.

LMAO Hippo wrestling FTW!

Guido NOS engaged!


A. The situation has yet to hook up

B. Snookie has yet to hook up

Anyone see some desparate A+B action coming up soon??

Update:Ronnie is pussy whipped…

Yes, and I’ll pop a millie of Viagra and take care of the grenade.

grenade launcher and grenade spoted

Grenade launcher.OMFG

hippos! Grenade launcher!

Which one is the launcher? I the yellow?

Thats a HUUUUGE bitch!

So, I hope they all die in a fire now pretty much. Moar charcoal on the gas grill!!