Jersey Shore Yo

Ok so I have been thinking about this and I REALLY want to make this happen. I want to do a parody show of the Jersey Shore, only I want to call it Lake George Shore. It is a riot up here with all the idiots walking/driving around in the summer. We would have a whole group, drama intact, all put into one video of one night of complete shenanigans in LGS where we would purposely act like Jersey Retards!!

All we need are willing actors, of which I am willing to participate, and people willing to shoot and edit a sick ass video. Who is in?

Free beer and free place?

I lol’d

i am MORE than in.

^ YES Lets do this.

We need at least three guys and im sure we can easliy find two or three girls willing to participate. Once we have that we can meet up and talk about how we are going to go about doing it.

And of coure, this all relies on someone that has a decent camera and editing capabilities to participate

If you are the camera man, yes.

Otherwise the only thing you will get out of this is one hell of a time.

Hmmm… I may be down to partake. So what happens, we just get together, get hammered and act like drunk guidos?

Act like Canuck tourists instead.

I’d be down. suggestion --> since I don’t think anyone has a real one, haha