The video production run. ShifTV?

We can plan out the whole discussion of the video aspect and general episodes.

First and foremost I’m looking for a staff of ~4 repeated faces/people that people can get used to that will participate in most of the events.

One is obviously me, the other 3 are open.

Cossey is up for one, so is Jerrod and Marat.

If anybody else has interest in this, let me know.

Archie I think you could make a fantastic TV persona but I’m not sure how far in you’d like to go with this, or how much you’d like your face to show. However an older mature member with a varied background will bring quite a bit of variety to the show.

Every persona can have their gimmicks as well.

Typically I’m more of less the import/bike guy who believes that lighter is better and the more basic the more pure/fun.
Jerrod is a huge domestic OHV/SBC gear head.
Cossey is a fan of German engineering in most of his car choice tendencies/favors besides the Skyline.
Archie is just a nut.

One gimmick that I’m planning on having as sort of a joke @ TopGear is just having the “Stig” as a co driver that we can bust on or use as our driving “guru”. It will just be a mannequin with a fire suit and the Stig helmet. Since he never talks on the real show it won’t be a problem. He can be sort of a permanent guest star.

So far video events planned

  • Carwash on bike.
  • NYC race.
  • Test drives of new cars.
  • Home Made turbo jet
  • Coefficient of drag
  • How hard could it be to drift a bike?
  • Miata under trailor

Any other suggestions are more then welcome.

Also any ideas for the Headquarters area where everything will start? I’m thinking some sort of a garage setting.

ShifTV sounds like a cool a$$ idea for real…

I have one idea for what could be an episode…

We could have some guys sitting around the pub BSing, bench racing, talking $hit, scratching their nuts, talking about “next Spring” (basically doing the things that Shift members do)…

Then talk comes to handling and how much of an advantage weight is, etc etc on a tight course.

Basically we build on this throughout the “episode” and then the culmination is the following three way AutoX comparo:

Big a$$ heavy vehicle with no prep (Minivan or the like)


Light car with suspension / tires (Miata?)


125cc race kart (Birel baby)

I am planning on getting a helmet mount of some sort for my kart in the near future, and if anyone has a hand held camera to tape the other rides in we could have interesting video clips of runs from all angles…

The SCCA dudes may not let us perform this tomfoolery at a sanctioned event, but maybe I could convince the dudes at the RPI Autox to let us take a couple of “fun runs” after their Autox with the minivan and the kart?

We could film the run sequences then and grab times, etc.

If we had a G meter of some sort we could use it to for comparison of what the vehicles are capable of too (no cigarette lighter in the kart though so AUX power will be a must hehe)

I admit it’s not out of this world material, but it could make for an interesting episode…

I have a helmet mount cam already, 400+ lines IIRC, not HD but great non the less.

My recording device broke last year however, and now I’m on a search of a new one.

Idea sounds like a lot of fun, obviously we need to get a feel for how things go, get used to editing, proper format, get material, develop the characters etc. At first anything is a go, and that sounds like a great idea.

I was already thinking of talking to SCCA Russ/others or Rpi about doing something during fun runs or directly prior to them setting up.

I “was” planning on getting this for track day, but I just spent a chunk on motorcycle stuff, so I won’t be getting it until probably June. Plan on writing a review on it too.

Not sure if you guys heard of it:

I was looking at those as well.

Once we get enough articles out and have a little more marketing power I can get sites to send us their product for review…

But one small step at a time.

I’m looking at the same damn camera!!

What are the chances we would all be using it at the same time?

What if we split one three ways and took turns using it…?

I’m only at the track maybe once or twice a month and that’s all I’d use it for.

We could use it for ShifTV as well.

Just an idea… Just thinking, unless you need to use it every weekend or something, it’s a waste if all three of us got the same damn unit. Hehe.

memememmemememememememe i wanna be in it, even if its just once :smiley:

I’m planning on buying the new sony HD handycam. I’d be more than willing to shoot the video for you guys. I’d buy a new boom mic and whatnot.

Archie has a good idea, I’ll gladly chip on on purchase one for occasional use, but then again too many cameras and angles can’t hurt and I’d be using it more then anybody else so I may just pick one up in addition as well.

Jay that sounds fantastic!

Character development will be crucial in the success/fail of the video material.

Any show worth watching is only worth watching because of the characters that are in it, educational shows never get a return viewer (generally speaking).

I’ve made a list of some of the shows to look upto and see what’s the pattern that ties them all together to make them appealing to most younger demographic.

Fresh Prince
Deadliest catch
Top gear
Daily Show
Rob and Big

All have fantastic characters, most have some sort of humor.

Once characters have been developed and people feel closer to them, contests between the characters are ever present in successful shows.

Contests between the characters are present in
Deadliest catch (who catches the most, between characters of ship captains)
Mythbusters (build offs)
Top Gear (every episode really).

So we have to make sure that the team that is selected is “characterfull”.

I strongly believe that the people I have suggested above will be great, that’s why i have suggested them. The only exception will be myself, I’ll just try to blend in.

So priorities are

Character development (introduce ourselves somehow in the first episodes and show exactly what we are all about, and how we can be a little silly)

you have alot of time on your hands for being such a busy guy LOL

anyways more cameras the better


The problem is I don’t know what to do with my free time other then occupy it, so that makes things complicated :lol

I guess I just don’t like being unproductive.

More cameras is definitely a plus, I’d like somebody who really doesn’t mind using the camera and has some experience with it.

Looking at different stands now, editing should be fun.

what stands are you referring to?


I’ve got my tripod with is rated for almost 20lbs, its video compatible. Your free to use it any time for any amount of time. I also have 2 or 3 quick release plates, meaning multiple cameras can be used simultaneously.

I’m starting to wonder which parts of the routine should be scripted and which ones will be unscripted, at which point in the conversation as well.

Also thinking back to Top Gear, I’m starting to believe some of the interesting moments were predetermined and staged. Still makes for good TV but takes away from reality.

Any opinions on the balance of Good TV vs Reality/Authenticity.

i used to edit video quite a bit on the old site i did with my buddy for racing etc , i want to get back into it again… what programs you using to edit ?i wanted to try some new adobe programs…

I was going to use Adobe as soon as I reinstalled it, but I’m no expert at editing video and have lots to learn.

A few comments to get out of my head.

There should be a proper mix of voice over talk with the invideo talk to make it a smooth transition. It shouldn’t be all in video, or all voice over. Smart moments of editing when the the in video will reflect on the voice over are very cunning and effective.

Example: Voice over asks an open question of “Does that mean that it’s a great car?”
The next scene in the video, the person says “no” and explains it.

Also looking for good roads to take video drive by or just general ideas.

For accenting a car’s or convertibles exhaust tone, there are two good tunnel locations : Rt2 Troy, and downtown Albany by the egg.

Great roads to shoot : outside capitol region such as Herkimer Illion Gourge.

General city scenes : Albany, Schenectady, Troy, NYC if needed, Saratoga.

Opening clip for the ShifTV dilemma.

I’m looking for the music to play during the opening and deciding whether have it be just music or some classical with words in it as well.

Leaning more towards just a neutral music clip of some sort from a classic rock song.

However if you guys have any ideas, I’ll be glad to hear them.


vlad when it comes to recording your voice over the video… (when im backof course)

i have a pretty sweet setup and a decent amount of experience with recording voice and rendering the effects to get the results needed … i have a “decent” mic too, better than what anyone else in the area has who isnt into recording music at least…

and i got some good software too for that… so after june we could do something with that :smiley: