Jesse's very own mega gay video part! s1dc

very nice jesse

love the choice of music - cant go wrong with dancing with myself
i was hoping to see a short clip of the coupe being snow drifted or something :stuck_out_tongue:

awsome vid dude – amazing driving!!

maybe you can teach me a thing or two this spring

awesome video Jesse, especially entering the corner early
and the falling on the rim is quite funny

whats the name of the last song?

I wanna be apart of s1dc

“Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today” Deep quote.

Awsome vid jesse, very skilled. Good luck this upcoming season.

“Hi everybody”


Awesome vid Jesse.

This year is gonna be sick

Sick drifting… love the video

Wicked vid Jesse

Loved the wipeout, watched it a few times hahaha

awsome vid. if u look carefully u get see the rail the car rides on lol jkn

Sick video man, I am still laughing from when I saw you fall off the rim.

Dudes. S1DC is everyone. If you see us. Ask us for a decal and if i have one on me in my car its yours… but you gotta put it somewhere cool. I want you guys to have as much fun driving as i do. Sideways s14, RJO… Come gimme a shout at the track. Im making Every CSCS event this year. We camp the night before. Get shitfaced. Wake up early and Drift. Being the first people on the track in the morning is epic. Lets do it up.

can i be a member of s1dc

the people running ka-t’s gotta stick together lol

^^ how about those that are just plain KAs? lol

go s1dc! it was awesome tandeming with you Jesse and I look forward to tandeming with the rest of the s1dc members

Free decals?

lol. You were crazy at DMCC, good stuff.

come out and support us next year guys!!!

We need YOU!

Hhaah yeah man, well if you can beat 2 ka-T’s you can def. hang and wear decals… if I only had my 2 way in for the gymkhana…

And hey, a note to anyone interested in S1DC or drifting in general, just walk up to us at the events or meets or wherever. We are enthusiasts just like everyone else on SON… We are always up for some chat and are totally approachable. It’s all about having a good time! ALL THE TIME!

I think us (Intense) might be up for this this year cuz driving down from Barrie in the morning kinda sucks…plus we can party lol

I love the way that in the first in car view around 2 minute something when he goes past turn 1 and 2 you see Kev, Me and Mark I believe taking pics.

Yea, I brought it back from the dead. I looked it up. It’s a sick vid.