Just as the title says, I am looking for any pictures or video that may have any member of S1DC in it. Mainly I am looking for just the drivers of S1DC (Jesse, Theo and myself, Chris ) but if you you have the others that would be great.
I am going to try to put together a video for purpouse of promotion and sponsorship as well as our own entertainment.
So please show me what you got!
That you Chris.
found one of theo someone uploaded

December 29, 2006, 9:22pm
^^ can someone please rotate that picture sideways. thats not how theo rolls. he rolls sideways, not up right.
i got mad respect for Theo. picture of the year?
January 1, 2007, 10:16am
That picture has got CLASS, he looks like Scarface almost, just the facial exprerssion, cigar in hand, and cash in the other haha!
You might find some here:
January 1, 2007, 5:06pm
Hey Kendrik, I found a bunch of good ones. Is there a posibility of getting the full resolution versions somehow?
I have the filenames if that makes it easier.
Thanks, and nice work BTW!!!
(Chris, I got the ones of me, you might have an easier time decifering between the white hatches than me…)
hey theo…i wont have time to get u the full res ones now but if u want to manually download the full res u can.
Find the pic u want, click “all sizes” button on top of pic, select “original size”, then download it through the link
January 2, 2007, 3:16pm
Awesome, thanks K!! I have no problems doing that.